Majestic 12 (MJ-12) is the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft after the Roswell, NM UFO incident.
When President Truman was informed about the crash, he authorized Defense Secretary James Forrestal to set up a committee to investigate and deal with the situation. In 1952, when Dwight Eisenhower became President-elect, he was briefed on Operation Majestic-12. The briefing paper listed a 12-man committee and gave details of the UFO crash in Roswell. The final paragraph stressed the need to ‘avoid public panic at all costs’, confirming that the government was covering up the truth about UFOs.

In 1954, in conjunction with the US military, a ship landed to recover the deceased aliens from the Roswell crash. These ET’s made a pact that assumedly still stands today.
According to the work of Dan Burisch, a treaty was created by a group of beings who stated they time traveled from 45,000 years into the future AND 52,000 years into the future in order to obtain our DNA due to a cataclysm on Earth that wiped out most of humanity. Because they were living in underground bases at the time, only some of these people survived. This treaty is known as TAU-9 and involves the exchange of advanced technology for a limited amount of abductions. As part of their agreement, any abducted person would have amnesia and would not remember any part of the abduction or being aboard any spaceship. Terms of this agreement were set to be renewed every 9 years and has been ongoing since 1958.
Because of his involvement and concern for where America was heading, President Eisenhower warned the world of the power of the military industrial complex in his exiting speech in 1961:
It is estimated that there are at least 200 deep underground bases (DUMBs) throughout the world.
According to Phil Schneider, one of these DUMBs is located in UFO hotspot, Dulce, New Mexico.
Because these bases are so secretive and information about them is hidden from the public, it is assumed that they are created for nefarious reasons, including the preservation of those who have kept us enslaved for thousands of years. Supposition has inferred that once underground, the female menstrual cycle becomes irregular and reproduction would drop off significantly. Additionally, many of these people who have been assured underground base privileges come from similar bloodlines, which would be genetically deficient through inbreeding amongst themselves.
If these are they types of beings who returned from the future to harvest our DNA, then do you really think they are benevolent people? I seriously doubt it. Chances are, THEY were the ones who were responsible for whatever cataclysm that became their demise somewhere in the future and are turning to humanity as we know it today to bail them out.
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.