Saturday, January 14, 2023

Colossal Megaliths At Yangshan Quarry – Who Built Them?

Snake bird gods fascinated both Aztecs and Ancient Egyptians

Scientist Claimed that on Earth there are people with extraterrestrial i...

UFO landing Saucer Shaped Craft close up! - Tales from out there

UFO landing Saucer Shaped Craft close up! - Tales from out there

Uri Geller believes that aliens are testing out our technological systems prior to an invasion - Tales from out there

Uri Geller believes that aliens are testing out our technological systems prior to an invasion - Tales from out there

Philip K. Dick Claimed That Time Stopped in 50 AD and Didn’t Progress Since Then - Tales from out there

Philip K. Dick Claimed That Time Stopped in 50 AD and Didn’t Progress Since Then - Tales from out there

Monday, January 9, 2023

Mars Orbiter Camera Spotted an Alien Spaceship on Mars

Argentina Strange Ground Effects Caused by UFOs

The ancient site of Stonehenge have been built using the famous Pythagor...

John Keel in a 1967 letter to Jerome Clark said “UFOs are now being built on Earth using our industrial resources and technicians" - Tales from out there

John Keel in a 1967 letter to Jerome Clark said “UFOs are now being built on Earth using our industrial resources and technicians" - Tales from out there

SETI has announced the approach to the Earth of 3 very large, very fast moving objects. - Tales from out there

SETI has announced the approach to the Earth of 3 very large, very fast moving objects. - Tales from out there

Project ‘Looking Glass’ Insider: The ‘Elites’ Panicked When They Saw The Future - Tales from out there

Project ‘Looking Glass’ Insider: The ‘Elites’ Panicked When They Saw The Future - Tales from out there

Black Triangle filmed by law enforcement officer in Clearwater, Florida - Tales from out there

Black Triangle filmed by law enforcement officer in Clearwater, Florida - Tales from out there