Examine the following images and make up your own mind. Are we viewing what we want to see; projecting ‘wishful thinking’ like seeing images in clouds? In a few examples, you will see that real structures are OBVIOUS. We have been conditioned to not see or believe such concepts…when the truth is…extraterrestrial activity and ET ruins are everywhere!
We will start with the first planet from the sun. Mercury has numerous oddities photographed by ‘Messenger.’ Reports claim this is a What is inside another crater on Mercury?. Yet, the weird thing resembles a craft with landing legs. Shadows suggest an unknown that is above the surface. One day, it might takeoff and be gone.
What is inside another crater on Mercury? Examine the symmetry of the shadows; especially the photos on the left. A dark square or rectangular shape is near the center of the raised structure.

Here is another oddity inside one more Mercury crater. When we see closer and clearer, a very regular structure emerges with sharp right angles.

Below is one more oddity within a Mercurial crater that may not be a natural crater. Notice how the ‘base’ or ‘space-port platform’ appears elevated. The image from Mercury on the right was called ‘Walking.’

Take a good look at what appears as a BLACK MONOLITH outside of another crater on our first planet. We will discover that other bodies in the Solar System also contain ARTIFICIAL monoliths, towers, standing-stones or dishes. Are they power beacons or possibly communication receivers?

One really cannot include second planet, Venus, along with the rest of the Solar System. SOMETHING’S GOING ON WITH VENUS that ‘They’ are not informing us.Governments are lying to us about conditions on Venus! Here is what they are reporting NOW:
‘…Magellan spacecraft, which arrived at Venus in 1990, made the first global map of the surface of Venus as well as global maps of the planet's gravity field. The mission produced surprising findings about Venus, including a relatively young planetary surface possibly formed by lava flows from planet-wide volcanic eruptions…’
You can download photos of volcanic activity on Venus and also the evidence of vast lava flows on the Internet. That does not mean it is true.
When Magellan’s findings were first received, the data shocked everyone because there was NO VOLCANISM on Venus! Documentaries were made and televised.Instead, they found the ‘most intense (amount) craters in the Solar System!!’ That meant no planetary resurfacing; that meant a surface from the dawn of Time.Venus had an astronomical number of craters! Therefore, it was the OLDEST planetary surface (not ‘youngest’). Nothing appeared to have moved from the beginning of Time!
The facts also represented a major mystery since Venusian material was the hardest substance known; tall towers stood proudly when all the astrophysicists back at JPL predicted lava flows, gases or swamps. More craters were found on Venus than anywhere, but now the story has completely changed. Today, NASA tells us there are only a hundred craters or so and volcanoes are scattered everywhere.
Another mystery is ‘what uses up Venusian energy since it does not escape into space?’ Venus’ thick clouds, which obscure our view of it, act like a massive ‘pressure-cooker.’ The answer is…an advanced civilization INSIDE the planet or ON the planet, but under a masking cover.
Unconventional books such as ‘Return of the Dove’ by Margaret Storm and ‘The Wall of Light’ by Arthur Mathews report that Nikola Tesla came from Venus! The late Frank E. Stranges, who wrote ‘Stranger at the Pentagon,’ was in contact with Valiant Thor and his crew of two other Venusians. They met with the President and world leaders at the Pentagon in 1957.

The above photo shows a large structure on Venus. But, can we trust anything our devices indicate? Could everything we THINK we see be camouflage away from an amazing world that is truly there? Does another dimension exist at Venus which our normal senses cannot perceive?
On Mars at Cydonia, there is the famous Face (Sphinx?) and the Great Martian Pyramid that is aligned with the planet’s directions. Richard Hoagland has demonstrated Cydonia’s numerous parallels to ancient Egypt, Giza…only the ‘Monuments of Mars’ are much older and much LARGER.
There are eyeballs inside the eyes of the Face. There are teeth where teeth should be on the Martian HUMAN Face. (Maybe we shouldn’t believe NASA). Rather than showing the usual Martian oddities, let us view some lesser known ones…

The Martian satellite, Phobos, is one more extreme anomaly in the Solar System. What was once thought of as only a captured asteroid…the ‘new thinking’ is Phobos could be entirely artificial and only made to appear as a planetoid.

Was the spaceship communing or sending/receiving a transmission to a particular (2001-like) monolith towering high over the terrain of Phobos?

Buzz Aldrin, second man to walk on the Moon, speaks out about the strange monolith on the irregular satellite of Mars…

Continuing ‘throughout’ a small part of only our Solar System, let us explore a bit of the second largest asteroid: Vesta! If President Obama has his way, we will be sending a manned probe to the asteroid. The planetoid measures 326 miles in diameter. (Actually, Vesta is the second largest ‘chunk’ or remains after Planet #5 was pulverized long ago forming the Asteroid Belt in the gap).
[‘President Barack Obama's re-election Tuesday night (Nov. 6) means NASA will likely continue along its current path, working to get astronauts to an asteroid by 2025 among other goals…’ under the title: ‘Obama Win Keeps NASA on Course Toward an Asteroid.’’]
Why go to Vesta, of all the asteroids? Because we already know something very odd is there…like the Moon and Mars. Inspect details of these different sites on Vesta:

Vesta could be a treasure trove with bizarre ‘structuring’ seen on some enhanced photos. Hoagland has pointed out many right-angled patterns that obviously were artificially produced as well as squared-areas that were not the result of impacts. What is the enormous protuberance on the side of this orbiting walnut? Are these really crash sites as they appear? Is Vesta a graveyard of alien crafts? The general public will never know from officials.
We move further out along the planets, ignoring myriads of worlds that orbit Jupiter. One of the strongest cases for a completely artificial planetoid is ‘Incredible Iapetus,’ 17th moon of Saturn (see article by Doug Yurchey).
Little Iapetus appears to be slightly ‘breaking apart at the seams!’ Below are photos taken by the Cassini spacecraft during a flyby in 2004. The horizon of the moon is ANGLED! The orb is nearly FACETED and resembles an ancient, geodesic sphere.

A prominent tower on two-toned Iapetus has been photographed. But, the most stunning feature is the ‘Great Wall.’ Richard Hoagland with his Enterprise Mission has called it ‘a vast, planet-spanning, artificial construct’ and asked, ‘how can there be a 60,000 foot high, 60,000 foot wide, 4 million foot long ‘wall’ across an entire hemisphere?’
JPL had stated the same in a news release from 1/7/05: ‘…a long, narrow ridge that is almost exactly on the equator of Iapetus, bisects its entire dark hemisphere and reached 12 miles high. It extends over 800 miles (nearly its diameter)…along its mid section. No other (known) moon has such a striking geological feature…surprising for such a small body as Iapetus…’

Examine the fantastic style of what only can be called ARCHITECTURE on the satellite. Curved, swooping, even beautiful towers rise to the heights of miles over the surface! How could it be possible if these truly were ruins and abandoned cities?
Iapetus has 1/40 the gravity of Earth because it rotates once in 79 days. You could construct large buildings and move great weights with ease; almost with the efficiency of manufacturing in space. Ancient Iapetus would be ideal for building and all the evidence is there that this ‘station’ was utilized for a long time. Is the 17th moon of Saturn occupied now?
Study all areas; the oceans of Europa; on Titan; Pluto; Sedna…beyond… Where you don’t think there is Life…there is Life! We have only scratched the surface…of hollow planets. Here are just a very few of our lunar mysteries:

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