There were the blue-bloods of Ancient Times which extended into European Times. . They
actually did have blue blood, and it was not hemoglobin based but copper based. They were
semi-human. There are still to this day, some animal species in South America that have
copper based blood systems. There was a problem with hemophilia, and not because of
intermarrying. The problem was that they started to marry outside of the copper based blood
system. Hemoglobin and copper systems don't mix. That's where the laws against marrying
commoners originated.
Lobsters, octopuses, squids and horseshoe crabs have copper based blue blood
Were the patriarchs and the Egyptian Pharaohs the Same?
History describes them as a darker race, but in truth they were Caucasian .
In the study of Egyptian Kingdoms things can get quite confusing. For example the reigns of the
early New Kingdom pharaohs Tao II, Kamose, Ahmose, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I and
Thutmose II were not sequential, but overlapped substantially. many names were given to one
individual and several nations could claim the pharaoh as their own under another title, ie. King,
Emperor, etc.
Thutmose is a compound name made from Thoth, (the Egyptian God of Wisdom) and Mose
(an Egyptian title or suffix indicating son of or rightful heir) .
Egyptian Female Pharaoh: Queen Hatshepsut, wife of Pharaoh Thutmosis II. She ruled Egypt
after Thutmosis' death in 1520 BC. Her long blonde hair and facial structure has been well
preserved by the embalming process of the time
The myths and legends of Greece, India and South America describe the rule of Osiris and Isis. " The Mighty Osiris and Isis walked into the Egyptian Valley out of nowhere and assumed
command.' They were taller and more imposing than the men of the time, with long blond hair,
marblelike white skin and remarkable powers that enabled them to perform miracles"Abraham - In Genesis 14, Abraham is given the pseudonym of Shem-eber king of Zeboiim
(Memphis). Shemeber is translated as "Illustrious." However, it is also a compound name
comprised of Shem (Sabium) and Eber (Hammurabi). These two ancestors were not only
kings, but also masters of the sciences, law and philosophy . Abraham was placed in their
company, not only with respect to wisdom, but also in kingship. Zeboiim, that is Memphis, was
the ancient seat of kingship and wisdom in Egypt. (Ref: Living in Truth: Archaeology and the
Patriarchs by Charles N. Pope)

ThutmoseIV According to legend, nearly three and a half thousand years ago, one of the sons of
the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenophis II was out hunting near a plateau some ten miles from Cairo.
Tired from his endeavours, the Prince Thutmose rested in the shadow of a mysterious head
protruding from the desert sands. Thutmose duly fell asleep and, in a dream, heard the carved
stone head whispering to him that one day he would become ruler of all Egypt ahead of his
older brothers. The prince was also told that he would then free the body of the forgotten god
from the desert sands where it had lain buried for centuries. Thutmose awoke refreshed, and,
recalling the dream silently committed himself to clearing away the sands, intrigued that as a
younger son, he could possibly become Pharaoh. He then left to continue his hunting. On the
death of his father the prophecy become true, with the former hunter ascending the throne as
Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV. Shortly afterwards the Pharaoh, who was only to reign for eight years
(1413-1405BCE), honoured the pledge made as a younger man and cleared the area around
the Sphinx revealing the God in its true magnificence
Thutmose IV and Joseph (YUYA)Biblical Joseph was Prime Minister Yuya. Working backwards from the time of Yuya in the
Egyptian 18th Dynasty, the identity of the first Joseph can be found among the great princes of
the 12th Dynasty. Revealing his identity to his kinsmen who had sold him into slavery, Joseph
claimed that "God had made him 'A father to Pharaoh'. Throughout the long history of ancient
Egypt, only one man is known to have been given the title 'A father to Pharoah' - Yuya, a vizier of
the eighteenth dynasty King Tuthmosis IV.
Yuya has long intrigued Egyptologists because he was buried in the Valley of Kings even
though he was not a member of the Royal House.
Pharaoh Akhenaten was able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion
and replace it with a single god, the Aten, who had no image or form.
Pharaoh Akhenaten's Hymn to Aten is the same as Psalm 104 of the Bible.
The time of departure of the Hebrews from Egypt would have been during the reign of Ramses
I, the first king of the nineteenth dynasty.
The mummy of the red
haired Egyptian King,
Ramses II, is on public
display at the Egyptian
Museum, Cairo
Forensics tests were done
on Ramses, proving that
his red hair was 'natural'.
Ref: Ramses the Great by
National Geographics.
Source: burlingtonnews
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