Friday, March 7, 2014

AMAZING VIDEO HD - UFO Descends Upon Akureyri Iceland.

AMAZING VIDEO - UFO Descends Upon Akureyri Iceland.

Best UFO Daylight capture, Large Cluster UFOs captured over Sydney 2014

Best UFO Daylight capture, Large Cluster UFOs captured over Sydney 2014

The Woman Who Can Will Herself Out Of Her Body.

People have long been fascinated by out-of-body experiences - are they just tricks of the mind or do they have some sort of spiritual significance? 
Now new research has shed light on what it terms as 'extra-corporeal experiences' by studying the brain activity of a Canadian woman who claims she can drift outside her own body at will.
Scientists believe the left side of several areas of the brain associated with kinaesthetic imagery (the perception of the sensation of moving) are responsible for the sensation of being able to leave your body and float above it – and that more people might have similar experiences than thought.
Researchers at the University of Ottawa came across a psychology graduate who admitted she could have voluntary out-of-body experiences before she fell asleep.

The 24-year-old revealed she is able to see herself floating and rotating horizontally in the air above her body and can sometimes watch herself from above while remaining aware of her real body.
However, as she said she feels no emotions when she has the experiences, the scientists decided to classify her experiences as extra-corporeal experiences (ECE) as strong emotions such as shock, often accompany out-of-body experiences, Popular Science reported.
Andra Smith and Claude Messier used a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner to examine the student’s brain and believe she is the first person studied to have an ECE on demand without any brain abnormalities.
They discovered that the ECE involved a ‘strong deactivation of the visual cortex’.
But it also ‘activated the left side of several areas associated with kinesthetic imagery’ in the brain, which the scientists think is what cause mental representations of bodily movement.
While the researchers have acknowledged the rarity of finding someone to study who can have ECEs on demand, they believe that outer-body-experiences could be more common than thought.
This idea is based on the fact that the student thought that being able to float outside her body was not unusual.
According to the study: ‘The participant described her experience as one she began performing as a child when bored with “sleep time” at preschool. 
She discovered she could elicit the experience of moving above her body and used this as a distraction during the time kids were asked to nap. She continued to perform this experience as she grew up assuming, as mentioned, that “everyone could do it.”’
‘She appeared surprised that not everyone could experience this,’ the researchers wrote in the study, which was published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
The scientists think there is a ‘possibility that this phenomenon may have a significant incidence but [is] unreported because people do not think this is exceptional.’
They also theorised that ‘the ability might be present in infancy but is lost without regular practice.’

Source: Mail Online

Is Our Universe the Only Universe?

Because the universe just isn't big enough...
Is there more than one universe? In this visually rich, action-packed talk, Brian Greene shows how the unanswered questions of physics (starting with a big one: What caused the Big Bang?) have led to the theory that our own universe is just one of many in the "multiverse."

Source: Desinformation

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Is This The Cause of War? Oldest Pyramid On Earth Found Buried In Crimea, Ukraine!

To provide a quick historical overview of the location: the earliest inhabitants of the area that archaeology has found traces of were the Cimmerians, who were expelled by the Scythians (Iranians) during the 7th century BC. The remaining Cimmerians that took refuge in the mountains later became known as the Tauri.

According to other historians, the Tauri were known for their savage rituals and piracy, and were also the earliest, indigenous inhabitants of the peninsula. In the 5th century BC, Greek colonists began to settle along the Black Sea coast, among them the Dorians from Heraclea, who founded a sea port of Chersonesos outside Sevastopol.

It is near that city that one Vitalij Gokh claimed to have discovered a pyramid in 1999.

Gokh had worked for the Soviet military for more than thirty years, before retiring to his dacha in Sevastopol. With time on hand, he decided to engage in lines of research that his career had never allowed him to do. One of these was the exploration of his new surroundings. This led him to discover… a pyramid… but not as anyone would know one.

The public were told of the “pyramids of the Crimea” in the summer of 2002, when Gokh made his claim: there were pyramids buried underneath the earth, as well as under some of the coastal waters of the Crimea – an area known to contain some submerged towns.


How had he made this discovery?

As a former engineer, he was well-acquainted with instruments using magnetic resonance, and had built a device of his own making. As the area of Sevastopol was known for its poor water supplies, he developed an instrument to search for subterranean naps of waters; the instrument performed extremely well during testing, and Gokh was ready to begin a survey of the Sevastopol area, in search of potable water.

Their fame spread; in 2002, Gokh’s group was invited by the government of Mauritania to find water in the Western Sahara. In the area of the town of Atar, the team claimed that a large supply of fresh underground water was located. This preliminary conclusion was confirmed by drilling. Under the layer of solid eruptive rock, at a depth of 240 meters, an underwater stream was indeed discovered. The value of these resources was enough to provide all necessaries in water of the region.

Before, he had refined the system so that specific type of photography could occur from the air, thus able to cover larger areas; he also adapted the system for the search of oil, gas and precious metals, finding a willing partner in the oil company Chernomornefte-gaz.

The entrance shaft to the underground pyramid
As early as the summer of 1999, his instrument had uncovered an underground anomaly on the periphery of Sevastopol: it was, as Gokh would later claim, the first pyramid. On site inspection revealed at first a rather ordinary, rocky landscape, but they then found an opening, leading down. At a depth of 9.20 meters, there was one solid slab of chalk.

Trying to penetrate through the slab – with little success at first – Gokh and his partners in exploration succeeded to shine a lamp into the cavity: it was empty, even though from the ceiling, some quartz stalactites hung down – matched by similar ones that grew from the ground up. The team believed they had stumbled upon an old crucible, but could not find any traces of metal. They continued digging, but it was equally clear that Gokh’s group of three (both of his colleagues, Dr. Mukhudin and Dr. Taran, being engineers as well) needed more manpower; five other people were invited to join.

Soon, several limestone blocks were found. As these had regular dimensions, ca. 2.5 by 1.5 meters, it was assumed these had been man-made. Having worked over a distance of thirty meters and analyzing what they had discovered so far, one member of the team, Taran, suggested they had definitely discovered a pyramid.

The problem was: it was underground.

By the spring of 2000, Gokh had once again improved his instrument, which now also allowed for vertical surveys. This could potentially corroborate the shape of the structure they had found. The result was that they were indeed inside a structure that had a square base, each side measuring 72 meters long: it was a pyramid. Its height was ca. 45-52 meters, its top almost at ground level.

The instrument also apparently revealed that from the top of the structure, three beams of energy emanated, at frequencies 900x109 Hz, 700x109 Hz and 500x109 Hz. Around the pyramid, a field of 10x109 Hz was noticed.

The digging also revealed signs in the surrounding layers that the pyramid had originally been open to the air, but that flooding at some point had brought in clay and other substances that one would associate with an area that became flooded.

If there is one pyramid, could there be more?

The search area was extended. Eventually, the team concluded that on a straight line, that went from Sarych to Baia Kamyshovaia, and which runs northwest-southeast, a total of seven pyramids were present. One of these pyramids was located under water, near the city of Foros.

Finally, Gokh extended his search for the entire Crimea peninsula and concluded that there was the possibility of a total of thirty-odd pyramidal structures for the whole country. At the same time, the scans had revealed another anomaly, of an object that was not pyramidal in shape; its curious profile, turned towards the west, suggested a structure that might be quite similar to that of a Sphinx.

Spirits were high and something seemed to be moving. But as all of these pyramids seemed to be located underground, excavation would be both costly and time-consuming. The next step was thus the most difficult of all: money. Only money would allow the team to continue the excavations in such a manner that would result in the confirmation that the Crimea had at least one – if not several – pyramids.

The next step was also the problematic one. The town of Sevastopol and the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine were not interested. Still, Gokh’s insistence resulted in some form of co-operation, which resulted in a ground survey of the area. It stated that the area had been inhabited, with signs from the 4th century BC until the first centuries AD. Such a survey did not contribute much, nor reveal anything that wasn’t already known.

But there were certain reasons why these institutions were unwilling to fund further research: as is so often the case, they boiled down to rather extra-ordinary claims made by the discoverer himself. If Gokh had merely argued that the Crimea had at least one, potentially up to thirty pyramids, it would have laid a solid foundation for further archaeological research.

Instead, Gokh added further speculation that these pyramids were part of a global system, whereby various rather high-tech regulators – the pyramids – were used to receive cosmic energy, which was modified, and then distributed across the planet. According to Gokh, the pyramids were scientific instruments, there to control and stabilize the land masses of planet Earth. Add to this the date he proposed for their construction: the system would be approximately 16,000 years old – or date from 14,000 BC.

Even Graham HancockRobert Bauval or John Anthony West only dared to posit 10,000 BC for the Sphinx – and leave any speculation about the age of the Great Pyramid up to the reader’s mental workings.

One of the diagrams produced by the team, explaining the construction.
Rather than these rather extravagant claims, the Crimean pyramids did not make it into the book for a more mundane reason: all we know for sure is that there is one vertical shaft, descending near Sevastopol, in which Gokh’s team have been doing excavations. Though they have produced some rather nice graphs as to how the entire pyramid is supposed to look, I did not see any actual scans from the instrument Gokh had developed to back the graph up.

Though I discovered two email addresses for Gokh, one was defunct; from the other I never received a reply. It was therefore possible that there was something to it, but it was still far too early to say what. Furthermore, my judgment was that even if they proved to be pyramids, they were unlikely to transform the overall pyramid debate.

Just after the completion of the manuscript, in July 2006, Gokh tried to use the interest in the Bosnian pyramid to gather interest in the Crimean pyramid, repeating that he needed money to finish his excavations. Despite needing more money, the statement said that tens of scientists from different countries were now performing an archaeological excavation of the pyramid, and that a result was expected later in the summer. Several months on, there was no information made public and Gokh’s contact details once again did not solicit a reply.

Unfortunately, Gokh not only stood by his previous rather extravagant claims, he now elaborated on them, stating that,
“the majority of scientists [that had visited the site] consider that the underground pyramids of Sevastopol confirm the guess of American scientists [that] about 65 million years ago an ancient civilization died out because of the fall of giant meteorite.”
This is something of a muddled statement: indeed, American scientists such as Luis Alvarez argued that the dinosaurs became extinct when a giant meteorite hit the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 65 million years ago. But the likes of Alvarez do not make any provisions for pyramids, or an advanced human civilization building these pyramids – let alone the Crimean pyramids being part of such a theoretical network.

Furthermore, would “real scientists” claim that these pyramids were 65 million years old? It seemed very unlikely.

Gokh did not stop there: the line along which the seven pyramid sites on the peninsula were found, runs, as mentioned, from northwest to the southeast. Gokh had now extended this line to gigantic proportions, arguing that Stonehenge was located on this line, while on the other side, he located “the pyramid of Tibet” and “sunken pyramids of Easter Island” – both rather imaginary pyramids.

Worse, he then linked both imaginary pyramids to the lost civilizations of Atlantis and Mu.

Gokh obviously had hung the theory before the pyramid, and not the other way around. In good 19th century tradition to link the dimensions of the Great Pyramid with the Bible and a biblical timeline, Gokh had used an unexcavated pyramid – which might not be a pyramid at all – as “proof” of a lost, global civilization. The worst was his speculation that this pyramid, together with other, non-discovered and hence most likely non-existing pyramids, were there to “balance out” the Earth – potentially in 14000 BC – or 65 million years BC.

Not to cut any pyramid theory short without giving it a proper airing, Gokh claims that,
“astronomers already noticed that some planets radiate more energy, than receive from the Sun. The similar situation is observed also with some stars.”
According to Gokh, this was due to “torsion energy”, developed inside the centre of the Earth.
“The source of fuel for such a reactor is a physical vacuum – the torsion field of the Universe. It consists of two opposite kinds of particles: torsions and antitorsions. In a torsion reactor […] an effect of torsion and antitorsion ‘frequency acceleration’ is taking place up to such degree that they begin to merge and initiate a chain reaction.”
He continues:
“the source of a subtle feed of celestial objects is provided by a Galactic Beam, emanating from the centre of the Galaxy. Consistently passing seven cosmic belts, it synchronizes its vibration. The energy liberated as a result of such frequency reduction (braking frequency), is directed on power maintenance of celestial objects’ live ability.”
In case you wonder what this has to do with the pyramids:
“These energies come, in particular, to a nucleus of the Earth, from stars through pyramids, mixing up in a power cocktail by means of a Shamballa Crystal – a kind of a carburetor – and then are delivered to the Earth Nucleus.”
The tunnel inside the pyramid
Worse is yet to come: the claim was made that there were 144,000 pyramids on Earth, varying in size and location. The basic pyramids were grouped in twelve places on all populated continents. All pyramids were connected by power channels, to other “pyramid fields” and to the crystal nucleus of the Earth, which controlled the operation of the system.

Twelve basic groups of pyramids, control, in turn, another twelve smaller groups, or, to throw in some mathematics: 12 times 12 equals, 144 times 1000, equals 144,000. In case you are wondering, each of the 144 basic pyramids controls the operation of another 1000 pyramids.

And just like the Great Pyramid before was linked with the Bible, guess what: the 144,000 pyramids of the Earth correspond to the 144,000 Biblical Chosen Ones.
“Each of the 144,000 chosen has a pyramid of ‘his own’.”
I have not written this expose of the Crimean pyramids to make fun of Gokh’s theories or thinking. I have used it to show that Gokh is a modern-day example of “the pyramidiot”, a term used by archaeologists and Egyptologist largely to denote a profile of people who read much – too much – into a pyramid (specifically the Great Pyramid), a practice that was common in the late 19th century, and which saw, in the eyes of the Egyptologists, a resurgence in the late 20th century, specifically with the likes of Robert Bauval and co.

The “pyramidiot” is typically “an amateur”, in the best sense of the word, who believe, often rightfully so, to have made a discovery. They try to interest archaeologists, but this seldom works. Consequently, they often begin to formulate stronger claims, or theories, in the hope that some people will hear, and in a rather vain hope that archaeologists will now definitely have to take note. Then, often, archaeologists still do not engage, and a dangerous chasm is breached, in which the mind does indeed seem to spin out of control, and “the pyramidiot” is born.

Most discoverers, in whatever field, take it to “step two”: going slightly too far in their claims, thus exposing themselves as someone who is easily shot down. It is unfortunate, and unfortunately, few interested parties seem able to show forgiveness for unguarded, often one-off remarks, said in the best of interest. The best example of this is Sam Osmanagich, who may have once said that possibly the Bosnian “Pyramid of the Sun” might have been 12,000 years old.

Archaeologists entered an endless debate whether he said it, where, and used the very fact that they were debating the issue as proof that they should not direct any attention to the pyramid itself. It is typical of how the field of archaeology often spins incredible tales themselves, creates character assassinations that are as idiotic as the pyramidiots are supposed to be in their theories.

Unfortunately, in the case of Gokh, his claims were so outlandish, that the Crimean pyramids have gone largely unreported. But it seems that there is at least something there. It may even be a pyramid.

It seems, however, that no-one is willing to do even the most basic validation of that possibility.

Source: Philip Coppens

The Death Problem.

In the video below, 'awe pundit' Jason Silva discusses the 'problem of death', and how humans have approached solving that problem throughout the ages. He extols the virtues of our creative power and development of technology as the way forward, to "transcend our limitations".
The human condition is characterised uniquely by our awareness of our mortality; in other words, we are the only species who are aware that we are mortal beings. This causes a tremendous amount of anxiety.
We have this capacity to ponder the infinite, we're seemingly capable of anything; we can mainline the whole of time through the optic nerve with our astronomy and with our space telescopes...and yet we're housed in these heart-pumping, breath-gasping, decaying bodies. So to be godly, and yet 'creaturely', is just impossibly cruel.

 The belief that death can be conquered by technology is a common one in theTranshumanism and Singularity communities. But is it just another form of naive Utopianism that has previously characterised religious thoughts on the life eternal? Can we ever truly escape the threat of death, given that no matter how far we 'scale up' our imperviousness to existential threats, we will likely never be able to make ourselves truly safe from danger (for example, cataclysms can occur on galactic levels)?
Furthermore, is there an argument that our mortality, and our changeability, are what make life so precious in the first place? Though I have written about the possibility of the survival of consciousness after the physical death of our body - thus opening myself up to similar acccusations of wishful thinking about my mortality - I also was keen to tell readers that this possibility should not be the focus of our lives. In the final chapter of the book (titled 'Memento Mori'), I wrote that regardless of our belief, we are united by the common thread "that this life is very likely the only time that you - at least, as 'you' - will experience this Earth and the singular joys it brings... We should therefore cherish every day alive on Earth as a gift".
Scientists tell us that we are all "made of star dust", while Christian funeral liturgies exhort us to remember that "you are dust, and to dust you shall return". Both statements are worth contemplating: our bodies are a miraculous assembly of molecules born from dying suns, infused with the mystery of life and consciousness for the blink of an eye in the cosmic scale of things, before disssipating back into the universe once more. Regardless of our model of reality we should all recognize, and embrace, how truly magical our conscious existence is.
Returning to the question of whether an eternal life might somehow decrease our valuation of conscious existence, I am reminded of a quote from the movie Troy that I opened that particular chapter with. "I'll tell you a secret, something they don't teach you in your temple," Achilles says. "The gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier that you are now. We will never be here again."
What do you think? Is death simply a human 'illness' that we should invest heavily in 'curing'? Or is it one of the things that make us human and allow us to appreciate the beauty of our existence?

Source: Daily Grail

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

(VIDEO) Heart Surgeon Confirms Near-Death Experience Account That Challenges Modern Science,

A few years ago I posted a video interview with renowned heart surgeon Dr. Lloyd Rudy, in which he told of an experience he had with a patient who died on the table, had an NDE, and once resuscitated was able to describe to Dr. Rudy details of the operating theatre - which he had seen during his out-of-body experience - that he should not have known based on his state at the time (general anaesthetic, eyes taped shut, and then 'dead').
I wrote about this case in my book Stop Worrying! There Probably is an Afterlife (paperback version here), along with a number of other 'veridical NDEs' - that is, those cases where the person who died was able to accurately describe scenes in the operating room, and elsewhere, when their physical state should not have allowed them to do so. So I was very interested to hear that the NDE case recounted by Dr. Lloyd Rudy (see below) - who sadly passed away himself not too long after the video interview - has been more recently been verified by his assistant during the surgery, Dr. Roberto Amadao-Cattaneo.
In January 2013 Dr. Amado-Cattaneo commented on the YouTube interview, stating that "Everything that Dr. Lloyd Rudy explained in this video is absolutely true. I was there with him doing this surgery. The patient fully recovered and what he said to us after the surgery is what he experienced". When brought to the attention of NDE researchers Titus Rivas and Rudolf Smit, they contacted him to ask for more details about the case, and they have recently shared their discussion in the latest issue of the Journal of Near-Death Studies:
This case happened some time late 1990s early 2000s... I did witness the entire case and everything that my partner Dr. Rudy explained in the video. I do not have a rational scientific explanation to explain this phenomenon. I do know that this happened. This patient had close to 20 minutes or more of no life, no physiologic life, no heart beat, no blood pressure, no respiratory function whatsoever and then he came back to life and told us what you heard on the video. He recovered fully.
...This was not a hoax, no way, this was as real as it gets. We were
absolutely shocked that he would come back after 20 or more minutes,
we had pronounced him dead on the operating room table and told the
wife that he had died.
...we thought all along his description was quite accurate regarding things he said he saw or heard. Patients’ eyes are always shut during surgery, most of the time they are taped so they do not open since this can cause injury to the corneas.
To read the full account, get a hold of the latest Journal of Near-Death Studies (copies can be purchased from that link - and be sure to sign up as a member of IANDS, International Association for Near-Death Studies, to receive future issues). The article is in JNDS 31:3, "A Near-Death Experience with Veridical Perception Described by a Famous Heart Surgeon and Confirmed by his Assistant Surgeon", by Titus Rivas, M.A., M.Sc., and Rudolf H. Smit.
For more on veridical NDEs, and other evidence that suggests consciousness might survive our physical death, grab a copy of my book Stop Worrying! There Probably is an Afterlife(paperback version here).
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Source: Daily Grail

Revealed: The UFO-Files of the German Secret Service BND.

Saarbrucken (Germany) – Since several decades German government officials claim, that there never was an official interest in investigating or studying the topic of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). But now, the editor of the German news-blog on frontier sciences and the paranormal "" (, Andreas Muller, was able to access formerly secret UFO-files compiled by the German foreign secret intelligence agency "Bundesnachrichtendienst" (BND), which tells now a complete different story.

It was in 2008 that the German Federal Minister of the Interior of that time, Dr. Wolfgang Schaeuble, repeated what other officials said several times before over the last decades, when they were asked about an official interest of German governments and the military's interest into the topic of UFOs and its investigation, by saying:

"… I have no knowledge of any official agency, institution or body that deals with or investigates sightings of unknown flying objects, so-called UFOs. Furthermore I have no knowledge of any such officials projects whatsoever."

The Files
The newly revealed UFO-files by the BND now contradict this official version with a whole file-set of 67 pages already titled with "UFO". The content of this files are "sightings of unidentified flying objects over the border zones between West Germany and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Chechoslovakia (CSSR)".

All 67 pages of the BND-UFO-Files. | Copyright: (Photo:

The files can be found under the keyword "UFOs" within the German Federal Archives ("Bundesarchiv") based in the City of Koblenz. However, due to the fact that all documents that get released into these archives are automatically protected and embargoed for 30 years according to the German Federal Archive Law, this files are said to be protected and closed until the year 2021. However, you can ask for such files to get released before that date. And if somebody already went through this process successfully beforehand, such files will be open also for later applicants. Likely due to the fact that the whole file also includes non-UFO-related parts about the former border between West and East Germany, someone else already got permission to view this file, which is why now the whole file – including the extensive chapter on UFOs – was already open to be viewed for everybody. However, so far the crux of the matter was, that this fact is neither officially mentioned nor listed. Actually the files are still listed today as "closed until 2021" – and seemingly nobody took the trouble to ask for its current status. Until know…

The files that are listed under the identification code "B 206/1914 - Bestand B 206 des Bundesnachrichtendienstes" were obviously not created originally because the German foreign secret agency BND wanted to study unidentified flying objects because of an possible exotic or even extraterrestrial nature, but because of the fact that during the Cold War such sightings were thought to reveal possible enemy-activities or actions of espionage from the side of the Warsaw Pact states and Soviet troops stationed within the GDR and CSSR. While there are a few sightings which were reported by civilians, the majority of the listed cases were reported by members of the border patrol and frontier protection units.

And while indeed the majority of the contained and described cases can truly be easily explained by Soviet drones, and probe-balloons, because the described objects completely resembled such drones of that area, like the plane-like Soviet drone "Tupolev M-141", or conventional probe-balloons (like in many cases of official UFO-files from other countries) there is a small amount of cases that defy such explanations not only due to the exotic nature of the observed characteristics of the sighted objects, but also because even the official investigations had problems or completely failed to explain the sightings – at least as described and covered within this very files.

Close-Encounter above German Border Guard office and Navy station in the Baltic Sea
The most interesting case of the sightings of an exotic UFO by four officials happened in 1986 on Fehmarn, Germanys third biggest island in the Baltic Sea (which was a frontier island during that time when post-WW-2-Germany was still divided into West and East). 

About this event the BND-UFO-Files reveal the following:

"In the early morning of 26.08.1986 (August 26, 1986), in the time between 03.00 and 03.30am, three public officers of the Border Guard office at Puttgarden, who were serving the night-shift, out of their office's window observed a flying object that travelled in slow speed towards the ferry-station at Puttgarden.
At the same time this flying object was observed by a Puttgarden customs officer too, from the so-called "car-park" of the ferry-station which was positioned about 300 meters (about 900ft) away (from the three border guards officers).
he Puttgarden-Case alone covers 5 pages with the BND-UFO-Files. |Copyright: (Photo:
After an extensive interview and questioning by the signer (of the report), the following circumstances were confirmed:
1) The unidentified flying object approached the ferry-station Puttgarden at the mentioned time in a comparative slow speed (in no way it was a conventional plane) coming from the West.
2) The object was flying at a height of about 50 - 60 m. (ca. 150-180ft.).
3) As it arrived (over) the ferry-station Puttgarden, it again reduced its speed even more and came to a nearly complete halt just above the mole-enclosures.

4) At this time of the observation, the border guard officers heard a sound that they described - in agreement with the customs officer - as a "comparative silently humming sound", that could possibly be compared with the sound of that of a turbine.

5) All officers were unable to give any description about size, shape and colour of the flying object. This was due top the following reasons:

1) The night was pitch dark.
2) The object emitted such a radial blinding illumination/light, that the above mentioned observations were impossible to make out. One officer even speculated that the this illumination could have been switched on with the intention to avoid an identification, as the used light was neither that of navigation lights nor flood lights, as no directed cones of light went downwards.

6) After the nearly halt of the object just in front of the ferry-station Puttgarden, the object continued its hovering flight in the same altitude eastwards passing above the Navy Coast station Marienleuchte on Fehmarn (ca. 600m/1800ft away).

7) Attempts of the signer to get more insights about the observations through other personnel and offices failed.

Inquiries were made to the Navy-Coast-Guard stations Westermarkelsdorf, Marienleuchte and Stabernuk (all on Fehmarn island), as well as with the flying squadron of the Border Guard command 'Coast' (Helicopters), the operating surveillance of the ferry-station Puttgarden, with the German ferryboats 'Deutschland' and 'Karl Carstens' and the Danish Police at Rodby."

Although the witness exclude the possibility that they had observed a plane and also excluded the option of an helicopter, the file later makes the assumption that there could be a connection to the alleged sighting of a Soviet helicopter above the West German City of Luebeck on the same morning (26.08.1986) but at 07.00am (so 4-3 hours later) that was reported by a local newspaper. Based on this assumption again further inquiries were made but again with negative result.

Assessment and Meaning of the BND-UFO-Files
Regardless how experts in the field of UFOs and military will finally value each case of UFO-sightings described within this newly discovered BND-files, its meaning and importance for a true understanding of the German government's interest into the topic of UFOs can't be valued high enough.

While the files itself are not secret or embargoed anymore because of the historical background and can be viewed by anyone at the Federal Archives in Koblenz, it is already the existence of such files in itself that makes out its value because – as said before - it totally contradicts the official position of German governments for several decades, that there is and never was any official interest, neither by the governments, its elements, ministries, bodies, institutions, military nor secret services, into the topic and study of unidentified flying objects.

Furthermore the existence of the BND-UFO-Files supports also an assessment by the politically independent Congressional Scientific Research Services (Wissenschaftliche Dienste) of the German Parliament (Bundestag) regarding the Position of the German government about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors on Earth. This assessment concludes:

"The fact that both, the United Kingdom as well as France (and several other countries), have been engaged with the question about the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial live forms and that they confirmed this interest by publishing their formerly secret files extensively even online, suggests that also German agencies and federal ministries are engaged with this problem and question."

(It might be interesting to the readers that this very assessment by the German Congressional Scientific Research Services is currently the topic of an ongoing lawsuit, in which the administration of the German Parliament is trying hard to keep the assessment from being released under the Germany freedom of information act.)

Indeed many facets of the above described BND-files reveal that such an interest at least once did exist (and likely still exist!), as the files demonstrate that there were procedures and mechanisms for reporting and investigating sighting-cases of unidentified flying objects by civilians as well and in special by officials and members of the military and border guards. One file for example is marked with the handwritten order to "please create a 'UFO-procedure'" while others clearly show that legal and administrative assistance was sought for further investigations into some of the described UFO-sightings, and this not only to other military units but also to the Ministry of the Interior itself – so to the very same Ministry that (like others) claimed for so many years to have neither knowledge nor any interest regarding UFOs.

Slow Motion VIDEO - UFO Sighting at New York Twin Towers.


This amazing UFO sighting seen from an Helicopter at the famous TWIN TOWERS is one of the rare UFO movie that have received some TV media coverage world wide. Many TV station have shown it which is very exceptional because this subject is in general under absolute media censorship world wide but specially in the supposed Land of the Free the USA. There is an interesting video slow motion version produced by a Japanese TV station that proves beyond any possible doubt that we are dealing with a circular shaped UFO at very close ranged, that is disappearing at an impressive speed.

Jef Staes Do diplomas kill passion and talent?

Jef Staes is an expert on innovation and change. He is also a keynote speaker and author. ( Connect via
Jef was a participant in the 2012 Online Educa Berlin Debate. The motion asked for a ban on diplomas and degrees as this would have a positive impact on lifelong learning. He made the opening statement of the debate.

You can watch the entire debate at Jef Staes (@jefstaes) teamed up with Donald Clark (@donaldclark) and succesfully defended the motion.