Saturday, April 19, 2014

Second Malaysia flight MH370 mystery arises

A second mystery around the disappearance of Flight MH370 has largely gone unnoticed: why hasn’t the United States been in the forefront of providing information about it? The implications of this question are massive.
America has a fleet of the most sophisticated spy satellites, called “keyhole” satellites, covering the earth’s surface daily with imaging systems comparable to those of the Hubble Space Telescope, but instead of data from any of these, we read of data from China and France. One can understand that the CIA does not want others to understand fully the capabilities of its satellites, but surely the lives of more than two hundred people are cause for some information, however indirectly supplied.
Then again, the American military has some of most sophisticated radars on earth, and there is, without a doubt, an installation of the highest capability at the secret base on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. How could there not be? But we have read of no data from them, only from others less capable of telling us what happened.
Could it be that the United States shot down Flight MH370, either accidentally or deliberately, and now wants to keep it secret? The possibility of recovery of the full wreckage, even if its location were found, from 4 miles under the sea amongst underwater mountains is extremely remote at best, so the United States can remain confident that physical evidence will never emerge.
There would be nothing unprecedented in such an act: on at least 3 occasions, regrettably, America’s military has shot down civilian airliners, only admitting eventually to the one they could not hide. They are also indirectly responsible for a fourth.
Iran Air Flight 655 was stupidly shot down in 1988 by the USS Vincennes in Iranian waters during the Iraq-Iran War, not only killing 290 people including 66 children, but there was a long period afterwards in which the U.S. admitted no wrong-doing, offered no apology, and no compensation to its victims (only 8 years later was a quiet settlement made).
It was a quite vicious set of circumstances and the injustice of it led unquestionably to the motive for bombing Pan Am Flight 103, killing 259 people and 11 on the ground, later the same year by people still unknown.
TWA Flight 800 over the East Coast of the United States was certainly the victim of a shipboard American anti-aircraft missile accidentally released. The evidence included radar tracks and eye witnesses. But the U.S., instead of admitting its horrible error and compensating victims, conducted a long and almost farcical investigation headed up by the same FBI that gave us the farcical investigation into the Kennedy assassination.
Last, the fourth hijacked plane on 9/11, United Flight 93, of “Let’s roll” pop legend, which crashed over Pennsylvania was almost certainly shot down by an air-to-air missile from a fighter plane. A plane was seen bywitnesses, the distribution of the wreckage tends to support a shoot-down, and just the sheer impossibility of America’s hundreds of billions of dollars in air defences staying asleep at the switch for a fourth event the same day argue powerfully for an attack.
I have no idea what event (a rogue pilot, a hijacker?) led to Flight MH370 turning off its communications, changing course, and flying low, but I do know that the event could not have gone unnoticed by America’s military-intelligence eyes and ears, especially when its new course showed any possibility of Diego Garcia as a destination, a place which is top secret and from which America forcibly removed the locals when it leased it from Britain.
It will likely remain one more “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma,” as Winston Churchill once described the Soviet Union, an expression now entirely suitable to a great many of the activities of the United States.

Source: EU Times

The Truth About Easter and the Secret Worship of the Anunnaki

The following article is based on J. R. Terrier's book "History of Easter - Hidden, Secret Origins and Mystery Religion".

Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, there are absolutely no verses in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of this tradition.

Further – the Bible does not mention anything about Easter eggs, Easter baskets, Easter bunnies, or even Lent. The author includes convincing evidence to show that these very items were parts of the pagan rituals of the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon.

Where did the tradition of celebrating Easter originate? 

The author exposes the hidden accounts of the original Easter festival which was initiated several thousand years ago - many years before the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

      (Also Follow this link) Easter - Anunnaki Connections
The name Easter actually comes from Ishtar / Easter who was worshiped as the moon goddess, the goddess of spring and fertility, and the Queen of Heaven. She is known by so many other names in other countries and cultures that she is often referred to as the goddess of one thousand names.

[Inanna is the Sumerian name of Ishtar, and definitely the most important one. Inanna was the granddaughter of Enlil, who in turn was Anu's son. Anu was the highest ranking Anunnaki and his name translated "Great Sky Father". Anu was revered as 'god of the Heavens' and he was the central figure of mankind's first religion. According to the Sumerian tablets, he only visited Earth twice].

The Babylonian Connections

(John 8:44, II Corinthians 11:14, 1 Peter 5:8) Ishtar – the Babylonian goddess – is the one for whom Easter is named. Ishtar is but another name for Semiramis – the wife of Nimrod. This post-Flood festival was part of the false religion Mystery Babylon and was started by Nimrod and his wife Semiramis (also known as Ishtar).

They not only instituted the building of the Tower of Babel, they also established themselves as god and goddess to be worshiped by the people of Babylon. They are the co-founders of all the counterfeit religions that have ever existed.

Nimrod was worshiped as the Sun God. He was worshiped in numerous cultures and countries under a variety of names: Samas, Attis, Uti, Merodach/Marduk, Ninus, Bel/BaalMoloch, Tammuz - the list is virtually endless. [He was also known as Dumuzi by the Sumerians and as RA by the Egyptians.

Millions of people are unknowingly worshiping and praying to this pagan goddess today. What is her present-day name?

The Babylonians celebrated the day of Ishtar / Easter as the return of the goddess of Spring – the re-birth or reincarnation of Nature and the goddess of Nature. Babylonian legend says that each year a huge egg would fall from heaven and would land in the area around the Euphrates River. 

[The pope's ceremonial clothes copy those worn by the ancient priests of Dagon, and not by coincidence. According to the Sumerian tablets, when the Anunnaki god Enki first arrived on Earth, he landed his space ship on water. He later emerged from water wearing his 'scaly fish-suit' (astronaut's suit?). Thousands of years later, the ceremony of the fish god was still celebrated in Akkadia, Assyria and Babylon, by the priests of Dagon... and seemingly it still is today].

In her yearly re-birth, Ishtar would break out of this egg and if any of those celebrating this occasion happened to find her egg, Ishtar would bestow a special blessing on that person. Does this explain the origin of our modern-day tradition of Easter eggs and baskets and Easter egg hunts? 

Other pagan rites that were connected with this celebration and which are part of our modern Easter tradition are Easter offerings to the Queen of Heaven (consisting of freshly cut flowers, hot buns decorated with crosses, and star-shaped cakes); new clothes to celebrate this festival (The pagan priests wore new clothes or robes and the Vestal Virgins wore new white dresses or robes and bonnets on their heads.); and sunrise services (to symbolically hasten the yearly arrival of Ishtar’s egg from heaven - the re-incarnation of the spring goddess).

[The Vatican is secretly perpetuating the ancient pagan rituals and the worship of their ancient "gods" - a.k.a. the Anunnaki. The shadow religion of the world's "elite" is Satanism and all the positions of power are occupied by Satanists]. 

The Satanic Connections 

Easter has its origins in the world of the occult. The Occult / Satanic calender is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. Occultists believe that numbers contain inherent power, and many base their lives on numerology. Numerology is also a key component of astrology – another system occultists follow closely. Thus the occult calendar is divided into 4 parts of 13 weeks each. Note that 13 x 4 = 52 weeks – our year.

In the occult system, the number 6 = man, the number 7 = divine perfection or god, and the number 13 = rebellion against authority and depravity. So, in the occult or satanic world, the number 13 represents the state of man’s having reached divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and illumination.

According to 8th century scholar St. Bede (also known as the Venerable Bede / Bede, the Venerable), the name Easter is derived from the Scandinavian "Ostra" and the Teutonic "Ostern" or "Eastre" - both of whom were goddesses of mythology and were identified with spring and fertility. 

Festivals for these goddesses were celebrated on the first day of the vernal equinox – March 21. Important parts of these pagan celebrations included the rabbit, red eggs, and gifts – all of which represented fertility. Easter is steeped in the Mysteries of ancient Babylon – an evil and idolatrous system. 

The Satanic Ritual of Sacrificing Children

Every year, the priests of Ishtar would impregnate young virgins on an altar dedicated to herself and her husband*. The children were born on Christmas (!!!), and the next year they were sacrificed in the Easter's Sunday at the sunrise service. The priests would take Ishtar's eggs and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed children.

*Inanna's husband was none other that the infamous god Moloch or Melekh, to whom children were - and still are - sacrificed in Satanic rituals. Satanism is the religious worship of the Anunnaki, and the human and animal sacrifices were/are part of the rituals.

If you're finding it hard to believe, then here is an excerpt of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, which identifies Ishtar/Inanna and her husband as the gods to whom children were sacrificed:

"(...) The identification of Hadad-Baal with Moloch provides the background to Jeremiah 32:35, which fulminates against the bamot-altars of Baal in the valley of Ben-Hinnom where male and female children were burnt to Moloch, i.e., Baal-Hadad. Furthermore, a series of Assyrian-Aramean documents analyzed by K. Deller showed that Adadmilki or Adadšarru ("Adad the king") was actually the god to whom children, sometimes firstborn, were burned (see below).

"The Assyrian material sheds new light on II Kings 17 where Adadmelech (to be read instead of Adrammelech) is the god to whom the Sepharvites burn/dedicate their children (verse 31). Adadmelech in this verse stands next to Anammelech who has been correctly related by scholars to Anath who bears the title 'Queen of Heaven,' the standard term for Ishtar in Akkadian (šarrat šamê; cf. Sumerian nin.anna.ak = Inanna). The pair Adad and Ishtar, or the 'king' and the 'queen,' are the ones to whom children are dedicated in the Assyrian-Aramean documents quoted above." - The Cult of Moloch, Jewish Library;
The following image was secretly taken during a Satanic ritual in which a human body (child?) was burned in front of a wooden owl statue dedicated to Ishtar/Inanna/Moloch, at Bohemian Grove: 

Most of the world's "elite" (active and former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Politicians, Judges, etc. and even Royalty), take part at this annual ritual. Notice the fish-god priests conducting the ritual. Here is a depiction of Ishtar/Inanna flanked by a couple of owls, and designed to look like an owl herself (notice the legs and wings): 

More Inconsistencies

Our traditional Good Friday to Sunday celebration however only accounts for Jesus’ being in the heart of the earth for two nights and one day. Were the facts of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection purposely distorted? Learn who is not telling the truth -- and why!

The author has investigated credible and reliable ancient sources to uncover the real origins of our Easter tradition. Was Jesus nailed to a cross or a tree? Is the true church a physical building -- or is it something much more? 

There are absolutely no verses anywhere in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of an Easter celebration. Further, the Bible says nothing about the practice of observing Lent, dying Easter eggs, having
Easter egg hunts, baskets of candy, bonnets – and so on. Easter has long been known to be a pagan festival. America’s founders knew this.

In the children’s book Easter Parade: Welcome Sweet Spring Time (pp 4-5) Steve Englehaty states:

“When the puritans came to North America, they regarded the celebration of Easter – and the celebration of Christmas with suspicion. They knew that pagans had celebrated the return of spring long before Christians celebrated Easter. (...) For the first 200 years of European life in North America, only a few states - mostly in the South - paid much attention to Easter. 

“Not until after the Civil War did Americans begin celebrating this holiday... Easter first became an American tradition in the 1870’s... The original 13 colonies of America began as a Christian nation, with the cry of ‘No king but King Jesus’. The nation did not observe Easter within an entire century of its founding.”   
Most people accept traditions as fact because they have been part of our culture for so long. Unfortunately, most of these traditions are dark and gory Satanic rituals.

Trust me, I am just as disgusted as you are (or should be), but the truth must be known.

Source: HAF


Have Apple's maps found the Loch Ness Monster? Satellite image reveals mysterious shape lurking in the Scottish Highlands

So large that it can be seen from space, it is enough to send shockwaves through even the most cynical Nessie sceptic.

This shadowy form measuring around 100ft long and seemingly with two giant flippers powering it through the waters of Loch Ness was photographed by a satellite.

For six months the image has been studied by experts at the Official Loch Ness Monster Fan Club, where excitement is mounting after various explanations for it were ruled out... leaving them to conclude it is ‘likely’ to be the elusive beast.

Scroll down for video
A satellite high in the atmosphere, accessed using Apple's satellite map app, may have provided proof that the legend lives on - with amazing images of a creature swimming below the surface of the world famous loch
The location was just south of Dores, were beamed from Apple's satellite map app and could only be viewed on some iPads and iPhones

Club president Gary Campbell, who keeps a register of sightings, said: ‘We’ve been looking at it for a long time trying to work out exactly what it is.

‘It looks like a boat wake, but the boat is missing. You can see some boats moored at the shore, but there isn’t one here. We’ve shown it to boat experts and they don’t know what it is.

‘Whatever this is, it is under the water and heading south, so unless there have been secret submarine trials going on in the loch, the size of the object would make it likely to be Nessie.’

He said other ‘logical’ explanations – such as a floating log or a seal causing ripples – could not be used to account for the imposing shape either.

The photographs were captured by two different amateur Nessie hunters scanning different satellites transmitting images of the earth from space - Peter Thain from Northumberland and Andy Dixon County Durham

The image has ended a recent drought in ‘confirmed sightings’ of the creature. In February Mr Campbell announced that no one had come forward in the previous 18 months to say they had seen Nessie – the first time since 1925 this had happened.

The club was alerted to the new image by two people who noticed it at the end of last year on satellite pictures used by Apple for its smartphone maps.

One of the spotters, Andrew Dixon, 26, a charity worker for the Great North Air Ambulance, from Darlington, County Durham, said: ‘It was a total fluke that I found it. I was looking at satellite images of my town and then just thought I’d have a look at Loch Ness.

‘The first thing that came into my head when I saw it was, “That’s the Loch Ness Monster”. It was the shape of it, I thought it had to be something more than a shadow.

State of the art sonar equipment, a yellow submarine, Hollywood actors and even a white witch have all tried to find the elusive Loch Ness Monster
‘It was exciting. I’ve never been to Loch Ness but I’m always interested in that sort of stuff.’
Peter Thain, from Newbiggin by the Sea, Northumberland, also came across the same image through Apple’s satellite map app. Both he and Mr Dixon forwarded the image to the club.

Mr Campbell, 49, a chartered accountant who lives in Inverness, said: ‘Now that we have spies in the skies above Loch Ness, maybe we will get more sightings which will whet the appetite of more down to earth Nessie hunters to come north.

‘Furthermore, the use of satellite technology means that if Nessie is just swimming below the surface like in this case, we can still pick her up.’

He added: ‘Last year was the first time in almost 90 years that Nessie wasn’t seen at all. After Nessie “going missing” for 18 months, it’s great to see her back.’

Despite the club’s claim, however, another explanation for the shape seen in the image could simply be underwater currents in the loch.


The legend of the Loch Ness Monster has been around since the sixth century, when an Irish monk called Saint Columba witnessed locals burying a man who had been attacked by a 'water beast.'

One of the first famous sightings was in 1933, when George Spicer and his wife claimed they saw 'a most extraordinary form of animal' which was 4ft high and 25ft long crossing the road near the loch.

The following year, Dr Robert Kenneth Wilson took a picture, in main story above, which is now the most famous picture of the monster, although it was later revealed to be a hoax made with a toy from Woolworth's.
Hunter Marmaduke Wetherell, centre, was said to have faked footprints which he said were the 'monster's'
Hunter Marmaduke Wetherell, centre, was said to have faked footprints which he said were the 'monster's'
And in 1935, renowned big game hunter Marmaduke Wetherell found a footprint he said was the monster's.  It was later revealed to have been made by him using a dried hippo's foot of the type used as umbrella stands at the time.

Despite many recording sightings over the years, most have been revealed to be hoaxes and scientists do not give credence to the suggestion that a monster lives in the loch.

Source: Daily Mail

Friday, April 18, 2014

Grand Canyon Underground Citadel - Evidence of Giants and Underground Cities in America.

The most famous report - about giants and underground cities - appeared in the April 5, 1909 edition of The Arizona Gazette, entitled “Explorations in Grand Canyon.” Explorer G.E. Kinkaid discovered a huge underground “citadel” while rafting on the Colorado River. 

Exploring a tunnel that stretched “nearly a mile underground,” Kinkaid found this citadel, which was filled with tablets carved with some type of hieroglyphics, and home to a stone statue he described as resembling Buddha.

Copper weapons lined the walls, but the most intriguing aspect of this ancient dwelling/worship place/tomb, were the mummies, all wrapped in a dark fabric. 

The mummies were supposedly more than nine-feet-tall. To feed the fire of conspiracy, and to keep anyone from finding the giants of the citadel themselves, the United States government allegedly closed that area of the canyon from public view.

But this well-known story of American giants isn’t alone 

The New York Times reported a nine-foot-tall skeleton of a man discovered in a mound near Maple Creek, Wisconsin, in December 1897. The Times also carried the story “Strange Skeletons Found” near Lake Delevan, Wisconsin, in its May 4, 1912 issue. The skulls of giant skeletons excavated from a mound had “a minute resemblance to the head of the monkey.

” But an April 9, 1885 story in The New York Times entitled: “Missouri’s buried city: A strange discovery in a coalmine near Moberly,” revealed a find that predated the supposed citadel in the Grand Canyon by 24 years. Moberly, the largest city in Randolph County, Missouri, had a population of 6,108 in the 1880s.

Coal miners, sinking a shaft 360 feet deep, broke into a cavern revealing “a wonderful buried city,” the article claimed. Lava arches stretched across the roof of the cavern, looming over the streets of an ancient city “which are regularly laid out and enclosed by walls of stone, which is cut and dressed in a fairly good, although rude style of masonry.

” Workers, along with Moberly city recorder David Coates and Moberly city marshal George Keating, inspected the site and found a 30-by-100-feet hall in the cavern filled with stone benches and hand tools. “Further search disclosed statues and images made of a composition closely resembling bronze, lacking luster,” the article read.

Explorers discovered a stone fountain in a wide court, still pouring “perfectly pure water” into its basin. But it was what lay beside the fountain that interested the people exploring the site.

 “Lying beside the foundation (of the fountain) were portions of the skeleton of a human being,” according to the article. “The bones of the leg measured, the femur four and one-half feet, the tibia four feet and three inches, showing that when alive the figure was three times the size of an ordinary man, and possessed of a wonderful muscular power and quickness.

” Its skull, the story reported, was shattered; bronze tools, granite hammers, metallic saws and flint knives were scattered all around. “They are not so highly polished, nor so accurately made as those now finished by our best mechanics, but they show skill and an evidence of an advanced civilization that are very wonderful,” according to the article. 

Explorers spent twelve hours in the buried city and resurfaced only after the oil in their lamps burned low. “No end to the wonders of the discovery was reached,” the article stated. “A further extended search will be made in a day or two.”

No record of the extended search could be found

Dr. Tom Spencer, a professor in the department of History, Humanities, Philosophy and Political Science at Northwest Missouri State University, said that’s because after printing the story, the newspapers tried to forget it. “A lot of the time I think these stories were written based entirely off hearsay and little or no direct on-site reporting,” he said. “As the story grew, the details got more and more outrageous.”

He equates it to a childhood game where children sit in a circle and one child whispers a story into another’s ear and by the time the story completes the circle, it was completely different. “If you recall, sometimes the ‘finished story’ bore little resemblance to the original story,” he said. “My guess is one element of this story is factual – like the strange shaft formation or a long femur was found – and it became more and more embellished as it went around the journalistic circle at the time.”

So what happened to the fabulous buried city under Moberly, Mo.? “There were stories like this periodically at the time and they usually disappear quietly because someone goes to investigate and there’s nothing to it,” Spencer said. “In order to avoid the embarrassment the newspapers just don’t say anything else about it.”

However, Moberly resident John W. wants to find out for certain. “Myself and several friends have researched the article archived at The New York Times,” John said. “The article discusses coal miners finding a Crystal City with several advanced features as well as the bones of what can only be called a giant.”

John and his group plan to investigate the claim of an underground city. “We have found the mine. Our hopes are to take a field trip and find the underground city if we can access the mine,” he said. “We have driven by and the site exists. You can still see remnants of the old access road through the field. It would appear this mine has not been in use since the time period of the news article.”

Moberly calls itself “The Magic City.” Hopefully John and his crew can discover just how magic it is.

Source: MU


Amazing footage of a flying saucer hovering above Medellin, Colombia. Is it the real deal?
With reports of genuine UFO activity making the news around the world, its only a matter of time before a landing of an Alien craft is filmed, and then perhaps, disclosure can finally begin.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Father Crespi and the missing golden artefacts

The story of father Crespi is one of the most enigmatic stories ever told - an unknown civilization, unbelievable artefacts, massive amounts of gold, depictions of strange figures connecting America to Sumeria, and symbols belonging to an unknown language.  The account of what occurred reveals once again a conspiracy to hide the truth from the eyes of the public.

Father Carlos Crespi Croci was born in Milan, Italy, in 1891 and died in 1982. He was a Salesian monk who dedicated his life to worship and charity and lived in the small town of Cuenca in Ecuador for more than 50 years. He was a person of many talents – he had been an educator, botanist, anthropologist, musician, and above all, humanitarian.  Because of his missionary work he became close to the indigenous people of Ecuador and was a highly respected person among the tribes, who considered him a true friend of theirs. 

The indigenous people gave Father Crespi gifts of ancient artefacts to thank him for the work he was doing to help them. They said the items brought to him had been found in subterranean tunnels in the jungles of Ecuador, spanning more than 200 km starting from the village of Cuenca. The amazing artefacts given to him had uncanny similarities with civilizations of the East, and were enough to fill up a large museum. However the location was never revealed and is still unknown. Many were killed by the indigenous people in their search for the mysterious subterranean tunnels with the hidden treasure.  

Father Crespi was trusted by the Vatican to open a museum in the Salesian School at Cuenca, and up until 1960 it was the largest museum in Ecuador.  However, Crespi suggested that there was an (obvious) connection between the artefacts and the ancient civilisations of Babylon and Sumeria.

What he did not consider is that such a suggestion would go against mainstream opinions.  A short time later, the museum was burnt down and most of the artefacts were destroyed – with the exception of a few that he managed to save. However, when father Crespi died all the remaining artefacts were hidden from public view forever. Rumours suggest that the artefacts were shipped to the Vatican. 

Father Crespi allegedly said that most of the symbols and prehistoric representation on the artefacts are older than the Flood.  Explorer Richard Wingate mentioned that the artefacts were identified as Assyrian, Egyptian, Chinese and African. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, was a member of a 1976 British military scientific expedition in search of the caves in Ecuador, but ended up in the wrong caves, following von Daniken’s directions.  Another, more controversial theory, is that the treasure hidden in the caves is related to Atlantis, a continent that, if proved real, predates all other known civilizations.

Just to make clear that the credibility of Father Crespi and his collection is not under doubt. However the age and the origin of the items is still unknown, and the fact that all of them vanished makes it more difficult to research further into their origins. Just imagine what the revelation of such a treasure would mean for the books of archaeology and our perception of human origins. The possible discovery of that cave system would change history forever. 

The pdf here presents all the documented artefacts. 

Source: AO

Blue UFO caught on video in the Netherlands

Rijnmond TV News in the Netherlands is reporting on an interesting UFO video captured by a man in the town of Maassluis. The object appears to be a large lens-shaped blue object and has no apparent means of propulsion.
Maassluis is a few miles south of The Hague, in an area surrounding Rotterdam called the Rijnmond. It is at the mouth of the Rhine River. The UFO video was captured by Maassluis resident Dick Smits at approximately 3 pm last Friday.

According to Rijnmond TV, the object hung silently in the air for a long time before disappearing in the clouds.
The object has a slightly curved bottom and a domed top. It makes no sudden movement, which could indicate an inflatable object. However, it is at an angle and is not in the shape of a blimp.
The Google translate on the news video is rough, but from what I gather Smits seems to believe the universe is full of extraterrestrial life and that we are in store for more UFO sightings.
If you know Dutch, let us know what else Smits is saying, and let me know if I got that statement right. Otherwise, tell us what you think Smits captured in this interesting video.

Source: OpenMinds


“There is,” says World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes, “a second species, Homo Capensis–Coneheads–on Earth. “

Credible scientists support eye-witness accounts that Homo Capensis, whose thousands of skulls litter the Earth’s surface, are still with us. Dr. Ed Spencer, a Yale medical school trained neurologist, is foremost among them.” The Capensis drew maps from the last ice age for us Homo Sapiens. They have bigger brains than we but “they’re not extraterrestrial,” says Hudes.

She reports Coneheads made maps in the previous ice age. We find “Remnants of their civilizations are all over the planet, often submerged–sea level has gone up 400 meters. They are very distinct from homo sapiens. “Their DNA is so different that if the two species mated, their offspring would be infertile. We know this because their DNA was tested.” We find their skulls all over the place because they have been on Earth with us, but after the ice age there weren’t many of them. And so they hide. One of the places they have been hiding is in the Vatican.” NO HATS OFF FOR VATICAN TOP BRASS To hide the Coneheads among them, Hudes says,Vatican chiefs wear miters–tall, cone-shaped hats to hide their cones. Homo Capensis divide, conquer and control us with the money system and religion. They program us to hate and kill each other off. They’ve “used us like cattle throughout our history.” Hear Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin interview Karen Hudes and Dr. Ed Spencer, to be shared on the first week in April, 2014.

Read also: Shocking! Former World Banker Says “Second Species” Controls Earth