Check out this fast moving orb! This occurred in Brazil over a major highway in that country.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking have announced a US$100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial life, which scientists at US-based research initiative, SETI, will spend over the next 10 years expanding the scope of their hunt for signs of intelligence deep in the cosmos while NASA astronomers hunting for another Earth have found what may be the closest match yet, a potentially rocky planet circling its star at the same distance as the Earth orbits the Sun. Known as Kepler 452b, the planet which is 1,400 light-years away was detected by the Kepler Space Telescope.
It’s really outstanding work from the astronomers who have discovered the earth-like planet Kepler 452b and it’s really amazing that Russian billionaire Yuri Milner invest $100 million in the hope that that they will find signs of extraterrestrial life beyond our solar system while the aliens are just walking around here on planet Earth.
Besides, there has been already contact with extraterrestrials for many years in many different ways.
NASA with all their deep space satellites hunting for other worlds like ours, they can find earth-like planets, but they cannot find or capture UFOs or other space anomalies which show any form of intelligence life, while massive alien spacecraft appear every other day on their satellite’s photos, for example, captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).
Does NASA know about these craft?
Of course they know it and of course they have thousands of photos of Unidentified Flying Objects captured by their deep space satellites but they keep it hidden for the public.
The whole story about the search for extraterrestrial life in other solar systems and NASA’s existing space programs are nothing more than expensive propaganda tools to keep the people away from the reality of the existence of their secret space projects.
They have man-made UFOs, they have a secret space fleet and they have secret Moon- and Mars bases.
From released documents from Wright Patterson we learn that they had already begun in 1956 with the placement of nuclear propulsion in dishes.
In a 1959 interview senior scientist at Lockheed, Boyd Bushman said that technical drawings show an operational flying saucer powered by a nuclear power plant.
In the same year, in 1959, they introduced the secret project Horizon to build bases on the Moon and Mars.
And about 10 years ago the Englishman Gary McKinnon managed to hack into NASA's computers and discovered a code named "Solar Warden".
Read also: Does The US Government Have Fleets Of UFOs? - The Solar Warden Project
It is said that the Bildeberger group is the owner of the space fleet and the bases on the Moon and Mars are used and maintained by this particular space fleet.
Since 1964 there are bases on Mars and is the result of a Russian and American cooperation working closely with the Bilderberger group.
In addition, according to the testimony of Captain Kaye, there is a colony of human population on Mars and they are located inside a crater. This group serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation.
According to Captain Kaye, it is possible to simply breathe on Mars and the temperature is sometimes referred to as hot.
One of the tasks of the secret space fleet is to supply the existing multinational colony on Mars.
The elite is well aware of the fact that for various reasons the earth, perhaps temporarily, is a place where you better not linger. All forecasts point towards a turbulent time for the earth.
Financial / economic systems will collapse and the threat of a nuclear conflict. On top of that the effects of the coming passage of the planet Nibiru aka Planet X.
While the elite have their secret space fleet, which they want to use to save themselves, people are led to believe the stories that they found earth-like planets and that they are searching for extraterrestrial life in a distant solar system. Thanks
Thursday, July 23, 2015
The Lonnie Zamora UFO Case
On April 24, 1964, an American Police officer named Lonnie Zamora spotted a strange object streak through the sky over a highway outside of Socorro, New Mexico. The object was between a half a mile to a mile away, shooting off towards the southwest. It left a trail of bluish orange flames, and made a roaring noise as it passed overhead. Curious as to what it was, officer Zamora followed the object over a steep hill, catching up with it as it lay rested on the summit. What Zamora saw then has never been adequately explained.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Official Grey Alien Footage Smuggled Out of Area 51
When we thought we had seen it all when it comes to Grey aliens and Area 51 we came across this incredible video footage that was “smuggled” out of Area 51 by a man who calls himself “Viktor”.
Somehow, he managed to smuggle out the highly classified video and show it to the world. The video footage lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five seconds and depicts a grey alien being interrogated at the government facility.
Before saying anything more, here is the documentary which has the “footage” from Area 51.
The video footage was first made available on the Art Bell radio show on March the 13th in 1997 when ufologist Sean David Morton was interviewed. According to Morton, the “alien interrogation” was fairly recent back then, believed to have taken place in 1966.
According to author Whitley Strieber:
“There are things about this footage that are particularly striking. Some of the least known features reported by witnesses are presented here. If this tape is not authentic, then it must have been made by people with very special inside knowledge.”After watching the mysterious Alien interrogation at Area 51, Morton provided a chilling and detailed description in his own words:
“The film was shot through a large plane of glass. There was no sound accompanying the images.According to UFO expert Robert Dean, the video footage is “powerful” and “real”.
“The interview took place in a darkened room, lit with an eerie greenish glow, I could make out the silhouettes of two men, one dressed in military uniform with what appeared to be the stars on the epaulet of his jacket, and another more casually dressed man with his hand occasionally rubbing his forehead.
“They sat with their backs to the camera at one end of a long table, which was littered with wires, chords and microphones. There were what appeared to be medical devices. One in particular was blinking erratically, as if it was monitoring a very sick heart.
“And there sitting at the end of the table was a small, beige-skinned, black-eyed, bulbous headed creature, the like of which haunt the nightmares of thousands of unwilling abductees.”
“Its skin was a pinkish beige, but the rest of the head looked purple and bruised, as if it had suffered severe contusions across the skull.”
German author and UFO researchers Michael Hesemann, states that the facts provided by Victor on the alien who was “shipped off to Area 51″ in 1989 fit with a report from the South African Air Force who shot down a flying saucer in the Kalahari Desert, in 1989.
According to Hesemann, one of the two beings survived the crash and was sent to Area 51 for interrogation.
Different people have different reactions when it comes to the video footage. While many skeptics believe this is another fake that has been leaked online, there are many people who believe that this is as real as it gets.
At the end of the video footage the Grey Alien appears to have spasms, the mouth of the extraterrestrial being can be seen opening and closing before a whitish foam stars coming out of his mouth.
The heart monitor goes crazy just before a couple of medics rush in and provide medical assistance to the Grey Alien, during treatment the video footage comes to an abrupt end.
Read also:
18 Aliens Work For U.S. Govt - Top Area 51 Scientist Reveals In Deathbed Video
By Ancient Code
Can someone explain just how Ollantaytambo was built thousands of years ago?
Just how did ancient man
build incredible monuments and constructions such as the Great Pyramids,
Teotihuacan, Ollantaytambo, Puma Punku and other incredible sites on the
planet? Were these ancient sites built using stick and stones? If so, how could
it be possible that engineers today would have a problems replicating some of
these monuments?
How did ancient man transport boulders that weigh hundreds of tons? Nearly perfectly cut and shape stones that resemble today’s laser technology.
Ollantaytambo is perhaps one of the best examples of ancient technology. Archaeologists believe that the ruins of this ancient city were actually built on top of another, much older city whose origins remain unknown. The earliest parts of Ollantaytambo are at least 12,000 years old but some researchers suggest the possibility that this ancient city is in fact, much much older. Many researchers claim that the origins of Ollantaytambo are directly connected with the Arak people, who are equivalent in history to Adam and Eve or the first humans.
How did ancient man transport boulders that weigh hundreds of tons? Nearly perfectly cut and shape stones that resemble today’s laser technology.
Ollantaytambo is perhaps one of the best examples of ancient technology. Archaeologists believe that the ruins of this ancient city were actually built on top of another, much older city whose origins remain unknown. The earliest parts of Ollantaytambo are at least 12,000 years old but some researchers suggest the possibility that this ancient city is in fact, much much older. Many researchers claim that the origins of Ollantaytambo are directly connected with the Arak people, who are equivalent in history to Adam and Eve or the first humans.
Inca Passage at
Ollantaytambo. Image Credit:
How is it possible that these ancient people were capable of achieving these amazing feasts of engineering, interlocking blocks precisely that fit together incredibly.
The six, huge granite blocks at Ollantaytambo are one of the most mysterious blocks even today. Legends say that these huge blocks of stone were “transported” across a plain, across a river
and then up the mountain but the biggest mystery is how did they manage to cut these rocks out of the mountain? Fit precisely into place, these rocks have been put in place in such a way that you cannot fit anything in between them.
Main stream archaeologists claim the dense, hard granite was cut and shaped by means of stone or bronze tools, yet none of these alleged tools have been recovered at the site or anywhere near it.
Some researchers claim that these rocks found at Ollantaytambo were fused together with an unknown type of energy. How did ancient man manage to achieve this? Or better yet, where did they actually obtain the technology to do so? There is no explanation given whatsoever.
At the Temple of the Condor there are even more mysteries. Enormous slabs of andesite stone were quarried from what is known as “The Wall of Living Rock. These cube-like sections of stone have been removed from the mountain with such accuracy that researchers have not been able to find a scratch in the surface of these blocks. The corners of these blocks are not sharp, they do not present any mayor cracks, they are almost perfectly rounded corners.
At the bottom of where these huge blocks were cut out from, there are strange crisscross pattern; patterns that researchers have not been able to explain logically. Most parts of Ollantaytambo are made out of andesite rock, today to cut Andesite rock you would need something harder than Andesite, today our engineers use diamond tools or laser tools. What did ancient man use thousands of years ago?
Unexplained crisscross patters at Ollantaytambo
According to the myths of the Andes Mountains the ancient ancestors, were described as a brother and sister; the “Children of the Sun.” According to the creating myths, they were sent by the “Sun God,” and they arrived on Earth with something described as a golden wedge. Is it possible that ancient man misinterpreted these happenings and translated them in the best way they could?
Is there a possibility that some type of sophisticated extraterrestrial technology was used so ancient man could achieve some of those amazing feats of engineering that we can see at Ollantaytambo today?
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
On the bequest of the Supreme Court of India the seven member committee in the presence of the Head Trustee of Travencore Trust of Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple at Tiruvananthapur am in South Indian state of Keral have opened the six secret vaults.
They have discovered under 20 feet of the ground approximately $ 22 BILLION WORTH OF HIGHLY VALUABLE GOLD in the form of, diamond jewellary, golden utencils, weapons, goden idols, golden elephents idols and diamond necklaces having 500 kilograms weight and 18 feet lentgh and bags full of golden coins of different nations, including NAPOLEON and ITALIAN coins in the last one week. With this Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy of Tiruvnanthapura m has emerged the richest God on the earth. And this world is looking at the opulance of this God with the mouths opened in a great shock and surprise.
This chamber is being considered by the Trust members and other learned Astrologers of India, as highly mysterious, sacred and risky and dangerous to unveil it. Because the steel door of the Chamber-B is having two big COBRA PORTRAITS on it and this door as no nuts, bolts or other latches.
It is considered to be fixed to the secret chamber with the ‘NAGA BANDHAM’ or ‘NAGA PAASAM’ ‘MANTRAS’ by the then ‘SIDDA PURASHAS’ who lived during the reign of KING MARTHANDAVARMA in the 16th CENTURY.
A door of such a secret vault can be opened by a highly erudite ‘SADHUS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’ who are familiar with the knowledge of extricating ‘NAGA BANDHAM’ or ‘NAGA PASAM’ by chanting a ‘GARUDA MANTRA'; So except in this way, the door can't be opened by any means by anyone. At present NO WHERE IN INDIA or in the WORLD such a highly sacred and powerful ‘SIDDHAPURSHAS’ or ‘Y0GIS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’ who does know how to execute highly sacred ‘GARUDA MANTRA’ are EXISTING.
If any human attempts are made with man-made technology to open the mysterious Chamber-B other than by chanting highly sacred and powerful ‘GARUDA MANTRAS’ by a highly sacred ‘SADHUS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’, catastrophes are likely to occour in and around the Temple premisis or through out India or even through out the world according to VEDIC ASTROLOGERS OF INDIA, who also revealed their inability to open the door by chanting the secret ‘GARUDA MANTRA’.
If ‘GARUDA MANTRA’ is chanted by any powerful ‘SADHU’ or ‘YOGI’ or ‘MANTRIKA’ the door proceeds to automatically open and no human effort is needed toopen it in any other way.
Padmanabhaswamy Temple Website:
On the bequest of the Supreme Court of India the seven member committee in the presence of the Head Trustee of Travencore Trust of Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple at Tiruvananthapur am in South Indian state of Keral have opened the six secret vaults.
They have discovered under 20 feet of the ground approximately $ 22 BILLION WORTH OF HIGHLY VALUABLE GOLD in the form of, diamond jewellary, golden utencils, weapons, goden idols, golden elephents idols and diamond necklaces having 500 kilograms weight and 18 feet lentgh and bags full of golden coins of different nations, including NAPOLEON and ITALIAN coins in the last one week. With this Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy of Tiruvnanthapura m has emerged the richest God on the earth. And this world is looking at the opulance of this God with the mouths opened in a great shock and surprise.
This chamber is being considered by the Trust members and other learned Astrologers of India, as highly mysterious, sacred and risky and dangerous to unveil it. Because the steel door of the Chamber-B is having two big COBRA PORTRAITS on it and this door as no nuts, bolts or other latches.
It is considered to be fixed to the secret chamber with the ‘NAGA BANDHAM’ or ‘NAGA PAASAM’ ‘MANTRAS’ by the then ‘SIDDA PURASHAS’ who lived during the reign of KING MARTHANDAVARMA in the 16th CENTURY.
A door of such a secret vault can be opened by a highly erudite ‘SADHUS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’ who are familiar with the knowledge of extricating ‘NAGA BANDHAM’ or ‘NAGA PASAM’ by chanting a ‘GARUDA MANTRA'; So except in this way, the door can't be opened by any means by anyone. At present NO WHERE IN INDIA or in the WORLD such a highly sacred and powerful ‘SIDDHAPURSHAS’ or ‘Y0GIS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’ who does know how to execute highly sacred ‘GARUDA MANTRA’ are EXISTING.
If any human attempts are made with man-made technology to open the mysterious Chamber-B other than by chanting highly sacred and powerful ‘GARUDA MANTRAS’ by a highly sacred ‘SADHUS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’, catastrophes are likely to occour in and around the Temple premisis or through out India or even through out the world according to VEDIC ASTROLOGERS OF INDIA, who also revealed their inability to open the door by chanting the secret ‘GARUDA MANTRA’.
If ‘GARUDA MANTRA’ is chanted by any powerful ‘SADHU’ or ‘YOGI’ or ‘MANTRIKA’ the door proceeds to automatically open and no human effort is needed toopen it in any other way.
Padmanabhaswamy Temple Website:
NEW [CUBE SIGHTING] in Texas, Video 07/20/2015
UFO sightings another CUBE UFO Sighted and Photographed in Texas, USA. The Cube came tumbling out of the sky in a storm front the witness said their cellphone camera froze and did not record, but the witness managed to snap one photo of the infamous Cube UFO. We analyze the evidence! As always, you decide! We also have another UFO submission from England. This witness does not want to remain anonymous and we put a link to his Facebook page below. This light orb UFO zips around pretty fast. You can see it speed up, hover, and finally ducks behind some clouds. Thanks for the submission John! What do you guys think? Hope you enjoy the video!
Watch also previous UFO CUBE SIGHTINGS:
Monday, July 20, 2015
Kitora Tomb Star Chart is Declared the Oldest in the World
The Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs have announced that a star chart discovered in ancient Asuka in the country’s Nara Prefecture, is based on much older celestial observations made in China, The Asah Shimbun has reported. The star chart was discovered in the Kitora Tomb in Asuka village in 1998, a site dated from the late 7th century to early 8th century, making it the oldest existing star map of its kind in the world.
It features 68 constellations in which the stars are depicted using gold discs. The movement of celestial objects is also represented in the form of three concentric circles with another circle depicting the movement of the sun. The Polar Star is depicted at the center.
Detailed diagram of the Kitora Tomb star chart, Asuka, Japan (Asahi Shimbun)
Mitsuru Soma, an assistant professor of position astronomy at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and Tsuko Nakamura, a researcher of modern astronomy with Daito Bunka University’s Institute of Oriental Studies, worked with the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs and Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties in order to investigate where in China the initial observation was made. They also investigated on when the map, upon which the star chart is based, was drawn.
Analysis of digital images showed that the most likely observation sites were those located on the 34th parallel north, including the ancient cites of Chang’an (modern Xi’an) and Luoyang, both of which were capitals of Chinese dynasties governing the middle reaches of the Yellow River.
Soma and Nakamura believe the observations were made several hundred years before the Kitora Tomb was constructed. Soma thinks it may have been between 240 and 520 AD, while Nakamura prefers a time period of 120 to 40 BC. Using this as a basis, Kazuhiko Miyajima, a former professor of East Asia astronomy history at Doshisha University, has suggested that the star chart depicts the sky in 65 BC, in either Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, or Seoul, the capital of South Korea.
The Kitora Tomb is located in an ancient tumulus near the village of Asuka and was first discovered in 1983. Experts believe it dates to some point between 7th and early 8th Centuries AD. The tomb consists of a small stone chamber just over 1 meter (3.3 feet) high, 1 meter (3.3 feet) wide and around 2.4 meters (7.9 feet) long. The walls are orientated to the four cardinal points of the compass and images on them depict the Black Tortoise of the North, the Azure Dragon of the East, the Red Bird of the South and the White Tiger of the West. These representations are accompanied by additional zodiacal images consisting of human figures with animal heads. The murals were discovered when probes were inserted into the tomb in 1983. A second probe inserted in 1998 found more images and the star chart painted on to the ceiling.
The Red Bird of the South painting, Kitora Tomb, Asuka, Japan (National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Nara)
Many of the murals were removed 2004 and 2008 to protect them from deterioration. Some of them are being restored in a special facility in the village.
The chamber would only have been large enough to bury one person. This individual was laid to rest in a lacquered coffin which was broken during a tomb robbery and the fragments were scattered on the floor. The chamber also contains grave goods and shards of human bone. Artifacts discovered at the site include a gold fitting and pieces of a decorated sword. The evidence suggests an adult male of mid to late age, probably of an aristocratic background.
Composite of images of the inside of the Kitora Tomb, Asuka, Japan (Scientific Research on Kitora Tumulus)
The tomb has been designated a special historic site by the Japanese government and its discovery has encouraged a new tourist culture, among them amateur archaeologists with a passionate interest in ancient tombs and burial mounds. Japanese burial mounds (kofun) are now drawing record crowds. For example, a small music and dance festival held recently at the Imashirozuka Kofun earthen mound, in Takatsuki, Osaka Prefecture, attracted around 19,000 people. It was the fourth such event at this site, the first festival being held there in 2012.
The discovery of the star chart is now the subject of much debate, prompting further discussion about the history of astronomical technology in Japan. A number of scientific papers have been published on the topic, including by Professor Miyajima who argues that such charts were often used for ritual and divination.
By Robin Whitlock -
Archaeologists Unearth Trove of 2,000 Mysterious Gold Spirals in Denmark
A team of archaeologists working in Boeslunde, Denmark recently stumbled onto an intriguing mystery: nearly 2,000 tightly-wound golden spirals dating back to the Bronze Age. The discovery of gold in Boeslunde isn’t uncommon, as numerous gold objects have been unearthed in the region over the last few years. But the purpose of these coils has stumped archaeologists who refer to the find as the “golden enigma.”
The spirals are made from extremely pure gold that was hammered flat to just 0.1 millimeter thick. Some pieces measure up to 1.18 inches long and all together weigh between 200 to 300 grams (7-10 ounces). Their exact purpose is anyone’s guess, but Flemming Kaul, a curator with the National Museum of Denmark, believes the coils are most likely related to prehistoric Bronze Age people who were known to offer gold to higher powers as part of sun rituals.
“The sun was one of the most sacred symbols in the Bronze Age and gold had a special magic,” Kaul writes. “Maybe the priest-king wore a gold ring on his wrist, and gold spirals on his cloak and his hat, where they during ritual sun ceremonies shone like the sun.” It’s also suggested the gold was simply buried as part of an elaborate sacrifice.
Whatever the use or meaning behind the pieces, it’s an extraordinary and priceless find. The local museum in
Skaelskor already held a temporary viewing before the spirals find a permanent home. You can read more over on the History Blog. (via Neatorama, Gizmodo)
Skaelskor already held a temporary viewing before the spirals find a permanent home. You can read more over on the History Blog. (via Neatorama, Gizmodo)
Gold spirals surrounded by flakes of birch pitch. Credit: Flemming Kaul / National Museum of Denmark.
Gold spiral in situ. Credit: Flemming Kaul / National Museum of Denmark.
BREAKING : Pluto Have Alien Structures on Heart Shape North Pole Ice Cap
This is the recent image, which shows the Aliens Structures on North Pole of Pluto region have left us shocked, Interestingly Ice Cap is in Heart Shape.
While we curiously looked at this image, we noticed some strange patterns, which looked artificial, then we edited these image to bring out the detail and we were left shocked.
This image was captured approx."One Million KM or Half Million Miles" away from Pluto, so we are waiting for new images as few hour ago New Horizon spacecraft clicked the best photos from just 9K Miles Distance.
Watch also:
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Alien Recorded Watching Family In Mexico
Date of sighting: July 2015
Location of sighting: Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
News Source:
Brazil Weird News states:
MEXICO. TAMAULIPAS state. NUEVO LAREDO city. FIRST HALF OF JULY, 2015. In the outskirts of Nuevo Laredo city, in broad daylight - the owner of a ranch, hearing strange noises outside the house, decided to investigate. Using the camera of his telephone, he got film an elusive alien being. With humanoid features, the creature apparently was naked exhibiting an extremely pink skin, moving on the roof of the residence. He was agile, slender, had long arms and legs, small head. Perceiving he was being watched, the stranger fled, got out of the rancher field of vision, who wasn't identified in the reportage. The video about the occurrence, in Spanish - was posted in Youtube by a local television news, El Mañana. Preliminary analysis of the material showed that the images have no cuts, animations or transition effects, indicative of the footage authenticity.
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