Saturday, February 15, 2014

(VIDEO) Manchester 'alien' howl mystery solved.

An ominous 'alien-like' noise was heard across the city this week as strong winds battered the region.

Perplexed shoppers took to Twitter to report the ominous howling noise which seemed to reverberate for miles. One Twitter user described it as a "low, evil, end-of-the-world noise" while others likened it to the imminent arrival of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
As it turns out the sound was being generated by strong winds blowing across the Beetham Tower, a 47-story skyscraper that has been embroiled in controversy. The bizarre design flaw has proven such an embarrassment in fact that the phenomenon has become known as "The Beetham Tower Howl", prompting architect Ian Simpson to apologize to residents for the disruption caused by the noise.

"The problem is caused by the glass and metal sculpture at the top of the building," said acoustic and audio engineering expert Prof. Trevor Cox. "When the wind rushes past the edge of the glass panes turbulence is created. This is very similar to how turbulence generates sound within a recorder."    

Source: Mirror         


The thing looked like it had legs at one point, then just at the end you will see it seems to double up the image, which seems to be common with the inter-dimensional things.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Two Massive Structures Discovered On Surface Of Mercury,

One has three pillars going across its center and the other structure has a lot of right angles as if its many buildings in one. There are lots of signs of NASA airbrush room blurring out structures, but they did miss these two. 

How would humanity change if we knew aliens existed?

We have yet to discover any signs of an extraterrestrial civilization — a prospect that could quite literally change overnight. Should that happen, our sense of ourselves and our place in the cosmos would forever be shaken. It could even change the course of human history. Or would it?

Last week, SETI's Seth Shostak made the claim that we'll detect an alien civilization by 2040. Personally, I don't believe this will happen (for reasons I can elucidate in a future post — but the Fermi Paradox is definitely a factor, as is the problem of receiving coherent radio signals across stellar distances). But it got me wondering: What, if anything, would change in the trajectory of a civilization's development if it had definitive proof that intelligent extraterrestrials (ETIs) were real?
Finding a World Much Like Our Own

As I thought about this, I assumed a scenario with three basic elements.
First, that humanity would make this historic discovery within the next several years or so. Second, that we wouldn't actually make contact with the other civilization (just the receipt, say, of a radio transmission — something like a Lucy Signal that would cue us to their existence). And third, that the ETI in question would be at roughly the same level of technological development as our own (so they're not too much more advanced than we are; that said, if the signal came from an extreme distance, like hundreds or thousands of light-years away, these aliens would probably have advanced appreciably by now. Or they could be gone altogether, the victims of a self-inflicted disaster).
I tossed this question over to my friend and colleague Milan Cirkovic. He's a Senior Research Associate at the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade and a leading expert on SETI.
"Well, that's a very practical question, isn't it?" he responded. "Because people have been expecting something like this since 1960 when SETI was first launched — they haven't really been expecting to find billion-year old supercivilizations or just some stupid bacteria."
Indeed, the underlying philosophy of SETI over the course of its 50-year history has been that we'll likely detect a civilization roughly equal to our own — for better or worse. And no doubt, in retrospect it started to look "for worse" when the hopes of an early success were dashed. Frank Drake and his colleagues thought they would find signs of ETIs fairly quickly, but that turned out not to be the case (though Drake's echo can still be heard in the unwarranted contact optimism of Seth Shostak).

"Enormous Implications"

"Some people argued that a simple signal wouldn't mean much for humanity," added Cirkovic, "but I think Carl Sagan, as usual, had a good response to this."
Specifically, Sagan said that the very understanding that we are not unique in the universe would have enormous implications for all those fields in which anthropocentrism reigns supreme.
"Which means, I guess, half of all the sciences and about 99% of the other, non-scientific discourse," said Cirkovic.
Sagan also believed that the detection of a signal would reignite enthusiasm for space in general, both in terms of research and eventually the colonization of space.
"The latter point was quite prescient, actually, because at the time he said this there wasn't much enthusiasm about it and it was much less visible and obvious than it is today," he added.
No doubt — this would likely generate tremendous excitement and enthusiasm for space exploration. In addition to expanding ourselves into space, there would be added impetus to reach out and meet them.
At the same time, however, some here on Earth might counterargue that we should stay home and hide from potentially dangerous civilizations (ah, but what if everybody did this?). Ironically, some might even argue that we should significantly ramp-up our space and military technologies to meet potential alien threats.

Developmental Trajectories

In response to my query about the detection of ETIs affecting the developmental trajectory of civilizations, Cirkovic replied that both of Sagan's points can be generalized to any civilization at their early stages of development.
He believes that overcoming speciesist biases, along with a constant interest and interaction with the cosmic environment, must be desirable for any (even remotely) rational actors anywhere. But Cirkovic says there may be exceptions — like species who emerge from radically different environments, say, the atmospheres of Jovian planets. Such species would likely have a lack of interest in surrounding space, which would be invisible to them practically 99% of the time. 

So if Sagan is correct, detecting an alien civilization at this point in our history would likely be a good thing. In addition to fostering science and technological development, it would motivate us to explore and colonize space. And who knows, it could even instigate significant cultural and political changes (including the advent of political parties both in support of and in opposition to all this). It could even lead to new religions, or eliminate them altogether.
Another possibility is that nothing would change. Life on Earth would go on as per usual as people work to pay their bills and keep a roof above their heads. There could be a kind of detachment to the whole thing, leading to a certain ambivalence.

 At the same time however, it could lead to hysteria and paranoia. Even worse, and in twisted irony, the detection of a civilization equal to our own (or any life less advanced than us, for that matter) could be used to fuel the Great Filter Hypothesis of the Fermi Paradox. According to Oxford's Nick Bostrom, this would be a strong indication that doom awaits us in the (likely) near future — a filter that affects all civilizations at or near our current technological stage. The reason, says Bostrom, is that in the absence of a Great Filter, the galaxy should be teeming with super-advanced ETIs by now. Which it's clearly not.

Yikes. Stupid Fermi Paradox — always getting in the way of our future plans. 

Source: io9

UFO cult touches down in Cambodia.

The world’s largest UFO cult has reached Cambodia.
“People are not [ready] yet, but we will keep trying to spread the message,” said Am Vichet, the head of the Cambodian chapter of the Raelian Movement, which believes a group of scientists created life 25,000 years ago in a laboratory.
The 41-year old, who works at reproductive health NGO Marie Stopes, said he became a Raelian in 2007 after attending a lecture where the cult’s philosophy was explained. “I want to learn new things. Then, at that time, I joined a lecture and they showed me a video and I thought it was interesting. But it was not enough just to go one time; I wanted to learn more,” Vichet said.
His next step was to read a book penned by the group’s leader, Frenchman Claude Vorilhon, now known by his acolytes only as Rael and who founded the cult in 1974. He claims to be a reincarnation of Buddha.
Vorilhon, then a journalist for an automobile magazine and racing car test driver, says that, on December 13, 1973, he took a detour on his way to work and wandered around an inactive volcano near Auvergne in France. There, he met an extraterrestrial called Yahweh Elohim, who explained “the message”.
The message was simple: life on Earth is the scientifically engineered creation of an advanced alien civilisation, and Vorilhon’s mission on this planet is to prepare humankind for their eventual return.
One of the main goals of Raelism is to build a $20 million embassy for the Elohim, preferably in Israel.
Perhaps due to Raelism’s symbol – a swastika enveloped in a Star of David – the movement is banned in the birthplace of Judaism.
So Raelians are looking eastward and, last January, applied to the Council of Ministers in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Hun Sen.
The project, which the letter states will generate “several billion euros of revenue, as well as additional spinoff ventures”, will make Cambodians “the first [people] to benefit from the Elohim’s highly advanced technologies”.
But more than a year after the application was submitted, Rael has yet to receive a response from Phnom Penh.
Ek Tha, a spokesman for the Council of Ministers, said that although he was not aware of the application, he would welcome an extraterrestrial movement in Cambodia.
“I myself have researched UFOs and extraterrestrial life for the last two years,” he said.
“To me, this would be great if we can start an alien movement or institution in Cambodia. We are not alone, my friend. When I tell my friends at work, nobody believes me.”
But any attempt to build the embassy may come up against practical obstacles, according to Dan Thibault, a French-Canadian who travels across Asia spreading Rael’s teachings and was in Phnom Penh last week to hold a public lecture.
“The problem is political . . . the problem is the extra-territoriality, the airspace. We need a protected airspace, like a no-fly zone over the embassy,” Thibault said. “The country that will organise the embassy will be the spiritual and cultural centre of the union to come. It’s a really big thing.”

The symbol of the cult is a star of David with a swastika inside.  PHOTO SUPPLIED
Vichet explained how he began to accept the Raelians’ ideas after he read Vorilhon’s first book, The Book Which Tells the Truth, which Vichet recently translated into Khmer.
“I started thinking what our natural state was, and one day you can see these things in the sky, and then I thought, oh, it’s true. And then that night I saw the lights again and after that I start to become a Raelian,” Vichet said.
“After that, my life changed. I learn and I read the books and I changed a lot of what I used to think, like negative thinking, and I changed myself.”
The movement claims to be expanding in Asia, boosted by growing followings in China and Japan. Three Cambodians turned up to the meeting last week, at which Thibault delved further into Raelian philosophy.
“Life has been created 25,000 years ago. The Elohim came here, they were a group of scientists who had mastered DNA, and they created all forms of life on this planet,” he said. “They sent all the gods – Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses – all the prophets sent throughout history. We live in the scientific era and at this time we can create life significantly in laboratories, which means we are equal to gods.”
To appeal to Asia’s Buddhist masses, Raelians have tailored their teachings to the students of the Buddha.
Rael now claims to be the Maitreya, the reincarnation of the Buddha. He said the date of his meeting with Yahweh Elohim corresponds with the Buddhist calendar year 3000, when the sutras state the Buddha shall reappear. The new Buddha, the sutras continue, “will come from the west” in “the land of the cock”, which is a national symbol of France.
But controversies over attempts at human cloning in Europe have led to Vorilhon’s exile from France, where there is a warrant out for his arrest.
“We want to live forever. [Human cloning] is the first step towards eternal life,” Thibault said. “It sounds, perhaps, crazy, but some scientists are working right now on downloading your personality. We’ll be able to download our personality from our brain to a computer.
“The next step is you upload your personality into a new body. We’re going to do that, it’s just a matter of time.”

Proposed plans for the ‘embassy’ that the Raelians say they hope to build in Cambodia.  PHOTO SUPPLIED
Proposed plans for the ‘embassy’ that the Raelians say they hope to build in Cambodia. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Despite the movement’s expressed alignment with Buddhist values, since its first seminar in 2006, it has only managed to attract 10 adherents in Cambodia.
“We just have a very small number in Cambodia,” said Vichet, adding that he hopes more people will hear the message now that he has translated one of Vorilhon’s books into Khmer. “Most of the Cambodian people, they don’t want to read, especially big books. They don’t want to read a whole story.”
Raelism, which now claims to have close to 85,000 members in more than 100 countries, has courted controversy in an attempt to gain notoriety and support, including campaigns for public nudity, LGBT rights and setting up a clinic in Burkina Faso to reconstruct women’s genitals after they have suffered female genital mutilation.
They also hope to attract celebrity support, much like Scientology.
“We met Michael Jackson; Rael met Russell Brand in the past year. But the fear, they don’t want to identify themselves publicly,” Thibault said, shortly after playing an animated video showing the four-foot-tall Elohim, who look remarkably similar to Jackson, meeting Vorilhon.
Mike Kropveld, executive director of the Montreal-based InfoCult, which has documented Raelism for about 30 years, said that the group is attempting a two-pronged approach to move into Asia.
“They have been trying for years to move into other countries. They have been raising money endlessly [to do this],” he said. “At the same time, they’ve been trying to get Israel to form an embassy. I don’t know why they want an embassy in Cambodia.
“They also often move into the shock area, or something that’s titillating, like the topless campaign. A more accurate [membership] figure would be 5,000, of people who would consider themselves members.”
Kropveld said that Raelism appeals to disillusioned followers of many religions.
“It has had an appeal here, some of the messages the group subscribes to, it’s like a church in terms of the treatment of women, going to heaven, going to where the creators are,” he said. “It’s not really so far off from what [new members] believed before. They kind of have a global religious perspective.”
While Raelian leaders say Buddhism is compatible with their beliefs, Vichet stopped practising around the time he became a Raelin “guide” through a baptism ceremony in 2007. Through the ceremony, Vichet believes his “cellular plan” was transmitted to a computer in preparation for judgment when the Elohim return in 2035.
“We do a baptism to get the plan transmitted and become a Raelian. The baptism actually is physical . . . everybody has vibrations, you transmit these vibrations.”

Source: Phnom Penh Post


The World's Largest Solar Plant Started Creating Electricity Today.

Take 300,000 computer-controlled mirrors, each 7 feet high and 10 feet wide. Control them with computers to focus the Sun's light to the top of 459-foot towers, where water is turned into steam to power turbines. Bingo: you have the world's biggest solar power plant, the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System.
Long-mired by regulatory issues and legal tangles, the enormous solar plant–jointly owned by NRG Energy, BrightSource Energy and Google–opened for business today.
From the official news release:
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is now operational and delivering solar electricity to California customers. At full capacity, the facility's trio of 450-foot high towers produces a gross total of 392 megawatts (MW) of solar power, enough electricity to provide 140,000 California homes with clean energy and avoid 400,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, equal to removing 72,000 vehicles off the road.
Sprawling across a staggering 5 square miles of federal land near the California-Nevada border, it looks goddamn beautiful. Just look at these amazing images.:

Source: Gizmodo

Tiny motors controlled inside human cell.

For the first time, scientists have placed tiny motors inside living human cells and steered them magnetically.
The advance represents another step towards molecular machines that can be used, for example, to release drugs into specific locations within the body.
There is interest in the approach because it could enhance the benefits of drugs while minimising side effects.
The rocket-shaped metal particles were propelled using ultrasound pulses.
Materials scientist Prof Tom Mallouk, from Penn State University, and colleagues have published their research in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

"As these nanomotors move around and bump into structures inside the cells, the live cells show internal mechanical responses that no one has seen before," said Prof Mallouk.
"This research is a vivid demonstration that it may be possible to use synthetic nanomotors to study cell biology in new ways."
This microscope image of a cell shows some of the gold-ruthenium nanomotors
Up until now, nanomotors have been studied only "in vitro" - in laboratory apparatus - but not in living human cells.

At low ultrasonic power, the nanomotors had little effect on these cells. But when the power was increased, the nanomotors surged into action, zooming around and bumping into organelles - structures within the cell that perform specific functions.

“Start Quote

One dream application of ours is Fantastic Voyage-style medicine”
Prof Tom Mallouk Penn State
The nanomotors could be used as "egg beaters" to essentially homogenise the cell's contents, or act as battering rams to puncture the cell membrane.
"We might be able to use nanomotors to treat cancer and other diseases by mechanically manipulating cells from the inside," said Prof Mallouk.
In addition, he said: "Nanomotors could perform intracellular surgery and deliver drugs non-invasively to living tissues."
The researchers were able to steer the tiny motors with magnetic forces.
The scientists also found that the nanomotors could move autonomously - independently of one another - an ability that is important for future applications.

Destructive forces
"Autonomous motion might help nanomotors selectively destroy the cells that engulf them," Prof Mallouk explained.
"If you want these motors to seek out and destroy cancer cells, for example, it's better to have them move independently. You don't want a whole mass of them going in one direction."
Describing the potential uses of nanomotor technology, the Penn State professor invoked a 1966 science fiction film in which a submarine and its human crew are miniaturised and injected into the blood-stream of a dying man in order to save him.
"One dream application of ours is Fantastic Voyage-style medicine, where nanomotors would cruise around inside the body, communicating with each other and performing various kinds of diagnoses and therapy.
"There are lots of applications for controlling particles on this small scale."
The idea of molecular-scale surgery can be traced back to a lecture by celebrated physicist Richard Feynman in 1959 called "There is plenty of room at the bottom".
In the talk to the American Physical Society (APS), he explained: "Although it is a very wild idea, it would be interesting in surgery if you could swallow the surgeon.

"You put the mechanical surgeon inside the blood vessel and it goes into the heart and 'looks' around. It finds out which valve is the faulty one and takes a little knife and slices it out."

Source: BBC

Thursday, February 13, 2014

[WATCH] UFO or Hoax?

This video has been going around Facebook and people seem to be divided on whether it’s a hoax or the real deal.

(VIDEO) British scientist discovers a meteorite pitted with tiny fossils of algae.

Chandra Wickramasinghe is no stranger to controversy. The Sri Lanka born mathematician was the founder of the theory of Panspermia along with British physicist Fred Hoyle.

Panspermia is based on the idea that life is spread throughout the universe in the form of microbes carried on the back of meteorites that travel through the interstellar vacuum. Wickramasinghe believes that the Sri Lanka meteorite is vindication for his controversial theory, and has solid scientific evidence supporting his conclusions.

According to the abstract in Wickramasinghe's and his co-author's article:

''We report the discovery for the first time of diatom frustules in a carbonaceous meteorite that fell in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka on 29 December 2012. Contamination is excluded by the circumstance that the elemental abundances within the structures match closely with those of the surrounding matrix. There is also evidence of structures morphologically similar to red rain cells that may have contributed to the episode of red rain that followed within days of the meteorite fall. The new data on "fossil" diatoms provide strong evidence to support the theory of cometary panspermia.''

Basically, diatoms are a form of algae that are mainly unicellar and form large colonies. They are a major producer in the food chain. Finding fossil diatoms in a meteorite is hard evidence that extraterrestrial life not only exists, but is commonly found throughout the galaxy.

Live and fossilised diatoms found in meteorites in Sri Lanka -- Prof Wickramasinghe



Snoop Lion and Five More Weird Religious Conversions That Need to Happen.

A funny thing happened to our old buddy Snoop Dogg last year: he got religion. And not just any old religion, either. In a move that we probably should have seen coming, the Doggfather formally embraced the Rastafari movement, a Jamaican spiritual ideology with fewer than a million adherents worldwide by most estimates.

Perhaps understandably, this conversion was taken by many to be yet another sign of Snoop's devotion to ganja rather than God. While Rastas' sacramental cannabis usage is pretty widely known (and celebrated) at this point, most of the movement's spiritual pillars are more poorly understood by your average gangsta rap aficionado. Rastafari began popping up in the 1930s during the reign of Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie I, whom the faithful revere as an incarnation of God.

Africa's only independent monarch for a time, Selassie (or Jah Rastafari, as he's known) is expected by his followers to return someday to usher in the perfect world of Zion, a heavenly paradise free from the corruption of Western society.
Following a pilgrimage to Jamaica, the man who wrote "Ain't No Fun (If the Homes Can't Have None)" rechristened himself "Snoop Lion," recorded and released a reggae album and filmed the whole experience for a documentary entitled Reincarnated.
How seriously is Snoop taking this conversion? Tough to say for sure. There are certainly elements of the Rastari way with obvious appeal for the rapper (Afrocentrism; weed). Other beliefs, though, such as the rejection of materialism and sensual pleasures, may be a tad more difficult for him to choke down indefinitely. Fans can judge the Dogg's sincerity for themselves tonight when the Rastaman takes the stage at House of Blues.
At first blush, though, the whole conversion thing feels rather appropriate. Not least because the Rastafari's greatest evangelists have always been musicians -- especially reggae legends like Bob Marley and the Wailers. Nothing helps spread spiritual ideas faster than an honest-to-God pop icon.
In fact, we here at Rocks Off kind of hope that Snoop will be an inspiration for other musical superstars to champion offbeat faiths. Since the proliferation of spiritual healing is a core mission of this here blog, we've come up with a few fringe faiths that only need the right artist to help take them mainstream.
So open your heart, light up a candle (or a spliff, if that's what you believe in) and read on -- you might just discover a new icon with a set of beliefs that you can live with, too.

5. Justin Bieber for Scientology
If there's one superstar right now in desperate need of some spiritual rehabilitation, it's got to be Justin Bieber, the pop sensation/little fuckhead who's made more headlines for his bad behavior in recent months than for his voice-of-a-generation musical stylings. Luckily, there's a religion out there with particular interest and experience in shepherding celebrities into a new spiritual understanding.

According to the tenets of Scientology, humans are immortal beings who have forgotten their true Thetan nature -- a state of spiritual purity that can only be rediscovered through a form of counseling known as auditing. If there's any star who could benefit from a well-publicized return to purity, it's Bieber.

Given Scientology's prioritization of celebrity outreach and "fixed donations," no doubt they'd love to hook up a rich, popular and attractive star like J.B. up to an e-meter at the first opportunity. As for Justin? Well, embracing Scientology makes for better headlines than "Drunken Bieber Pisses Into Mop Bucket." Slightly better, anyway.

4. Lady Gaga for Raëlism
Anybody who saw her hatch out of that egg at the Grammys a couple years back can pretty much agree at this point that Lady Gaga is an extraterrestrial of some sort. And hey, we here at Rocks Off welcome our new alien overlord. In fact, we think her off-world heritage makes her the perfect evangelist for Raëlism, the world's largest UFO religion.

Founded in France in the '70s, the Raëlian Movement teaches humanity was scientifically created by an alien species known as the Elohim, and that if we become peaceful and spiritually aware enough, we can rejoin them amongst the stars one day. Part of that includes being true to our own sexual nature, be it heterosexuality, homosexuality, pansexuality or anything else consenting adults might find hot. Come to think of it, did Gaga found this religion, because it kinda seems right up her alley.
Raëlians are also big fans of human cloning, which they believe is a path to immortality. Lady Gaga might just have the money, stroke and eccentricity required to make the dream of human genetic duplication a reality at last. We only hope there's enough latex in the universe to clothe all her clones.

Thumbnail image for john_meyer_2.jpg
Photo by Marco Torres
3. John Mayer for Oneida
From Jennifer Aniston to Jessica Simpson to Katy Perry, John Mayer has seemingly made it his mission to bed every gorgeous woman in the recording industry -- sans commitment, natch. That's what makes him the perfect figurehead for the Oneida Community, a religious sect that strongly promoted the ideal of free love.

Founded in 1848 by John Humphrey Noyes in Oneida, N.Y., the Oneida Community believed that Jesus Christ had returned in A.D. 70, making it possible to usher in heaven on Earth through the practice of communalism. Part of that doctrine was that adherents should totally fuck each other a lot, monogamy be damned.
Since John Mayer is already basically practicing this holy inclusivity within his own community, it's a slam dunk that he's the guy to resurrect this tiny little religion, which died out in 1879 when Noyes fled the country to avoid a statutory rape charge. So, y'know, check IDs, John. And maybe abandon the Oneidian practice of eugenics, too, just to be safe.

2. Ian Curtis for the Church of Euthanasia
Save the planet: Kill yourself. That's the unofficial slogan of the Church of Euthanasia, a group whose response to the perceived ugliness of modern, industrial society is voluntary population reduction. The Church's four pillars of belief are consensual suicide, abortion, cannibalism of the already dead, and sex without procreation. If that seems a little inflammatory or unpleasant, well, that's only because you haven't killed yourself yet.

Since the Church of Euthanasia has no problem enlisting the dead for participation in their beliefs (cannibalism, dog!), churchgoers should feel no compunction about making the late Joy Division singer Ian Curtis their top celebrity evangelist. After all, Curtis, too, despised the urban decay and spiritlessness he perceived all around him. What's more, he did something about it.

Although Curtis' suicide likely makes him a hero in the eyes of the Church, it may not be so likely that his millions of fans suffer from the same conflagration of epilepsy, depression and marital strife that convinced him he was better off dead. Then again, his songs were a hell of a lot more eloquent than "Thou shalt not procreate."

1. Kanye West for the Church of Satan
Members of the Church of Satan, a fun little group founded by former carny and "psychic investigator" Anton LaVey, believe in no higher power than the self. Essentially, every LaVeyan Satanist serves as his or her own god, with all worship and spiritual interest focused inward. Gosh, who do we know that's already living by such a creed?

If there's any superstar on earth convinced of his own supremacy and, perhaps, divinity, it's got to be our good pal Kanye West. Shit, he even recorded and released a track called "I Am a God." And we don't doubt he believes that, either.
Kanye certainly wouldn't be the first famous musician to hook up with the Church of Satan. Everybody from Sammy Davis, Jr., to Marilyn Manson and even Liberace has dabbled in the darkness over the years. But all of them combined couldn't hope to be as loud, honest and up-front with their self-worship as Mr. West.

And if there's anything that's more Satanic than marrying a Kardashian, we don't want to know about it.

Source: HP

Alien Moon Base In Official NASA Images.

The big question a lot of people ask today is, “are governments around the world and their organizations covering up information on Extraterrestrial life?” According to these images and videos the answer is a big YES.

NASA’s LCROSS mission in which they “Nuked” the moon that took place in 2009 was only for “scientific purposes”, but there are some that claim that this “declaration of war” on the Moon was not so scientific as many believed it to be and the images and videos we show here seem to back up the claims.
The main LCROSS mission objective was to explore the presence of water ice in a permanently shadowed crater near a lunar polar region. It was launched together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on June 18, 2009, as part of the shared Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, the first American mission to the Moon in over ten years.

Alien Base on the Moon?
Well when you think of it, it isn’t that surprising after all. It would only be logical for an Extraterrestrial race to build a Moon base to facilitate the exploration and development of an planet like Earth.
We are thinking on doing the same thing actually. If we really plan on going to Mars, we would need to create moon bases on both Earth’s moon and Phobos and Deimos from Mars. Doing this would facilitate space travel, logistics and make it much easier to operate these types of Missions. So when you ask yourself could there really be an Alien moon base on Earths moon? The answer is yes. It makes sense, its not something out of a science fiction movie anymore, its something that we are planing on doing.
This “nuked” moon base might perhaps explain why we haven’t been there in recent years, why would we avoid the Moon so much? We know that it is a place filled with minerals, it has water (and they really needed to nuke it to find out?) and it would make a perfect outpost for anyone who wants to continue the exploration of our solar system and it would also help us get to Mars and beyond.
The photographs you see here are from NASA employee’s, at the AMES research center. These images slipped out during an interview by project scientists Anthony Colaprete and Dr. Kim Ennico while they reviewed early results from the centaur and spacecraft impacts. In the images on the table you can see evidence of structures, clear geometric shapes that cannot be confused in any way as “natural formations” or “moon rocks”.
So why hide it that much? Could these structures ( and I say structures cause there are more) be the reason NASA has not been on the Moon in a while? Why destroy the Moon base? All of these questions are still unanswered and we can only continue and wonder what is happening on our Moon. Enjoy these images and let us know what you think of the images and videos and post your comments.

By Ivan P. –

UFO filmed by news station in DenverUFO filmed by news station

UFO filmed by news station in DenverUFO filmed by news station

Alien Abductions, NASA Scientists, Crop Circles On Tap At UFO Congress.

Once upon a time, UFO conventions or seminars primarily attracted the lunatic fringe crowd -- those who arrived wearing alien costumes, tin foil hats and hoping to meet the alien man or woman of their dreams. Certainly, it was not the kind of event where serious scientists showed up.
That's all changing now, as evidenced by this week's 23rd annual 2014 International UFO Congress near Scottsdale, Ariz.

While there still exists a "purchase-an-ET-trinket" mentality fostered by an ever-present vendors room, the overall credibility climate has evolved where the topics presented during the week include government coverups, conspiracy theories, crop circles, alien abduction and former NASA scientists speaking out on how close we are to extraterrestrial contact.

The IUFOC -- the biggest UFO conference in the world -- is presented each year by the Arizona-based Open Minds Productions, which offers the whole spectrum of UFOs and related unexplained phenomena through radio and television programs and their OpenMinds magazine.
"We have a lot more credible speakers than what the general public would expect for a UFO event," said Alejandro Rojas, one of the co-organizers and the master of ceremonies at this year's IUFOC.
The diverse speaker list for the UFO Congress includes:
  • Theologian Ted Peters, who has publicly stated that many religious leaders are ready to share a pew with aliens.

  • Former NASA scientist Richard Hoover, an astrobiologist engaged in research to find evidence of present-day water and fossilized and living organisms on Mars.

  • Astrophysicist Jeffrey Bennett, a former visiting senior scientist at NASA headquarters and one of the scientific leaders in the search for extraterrestrial life.

  • Former Army Col. John Alexander, a leading advocate for the development of non-lethal weapons, who has conducted non-lethal warfare briefings at the highest levels of government. He also organized an interagency UFO study and has taught psychokinesis in the military.

  • George Noory, host of "Coast to Coast AM," the biggest nightly syndicated radio program in North America, which features discussions of UFOs, paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abductions and conspiracies.
 One feature unique to this conference involves people who attend special experiencer sessions with therapists.
"We have therapists who put together [UFO] abduction experiencer groups. These are like group therapy where people can get together with others who have similar experiences. It is headed by therapists, and we have a lot of people who participate in those sessions, which are closed to the media because they’re just for therapy and for people sharing their stories," Rojas told The Huffington Post.
When it comes to claims of people who believe they've been abducted by aliens, society -- including skeptics and debunkers -- generally doesn't give any credence to such reports.
"I think it shows that people do believe passionately that they've had these experiences," said Rojas. "But it also shows a large number of people who feel they have these experiences. While the phenomenon is dismissed and whether or not these people are really speaking to extraterrestrials, because of the sheer number of people who believe this is happening to them, it's important for science and psychologists to pay attention to this and at least develop ways to cope with or deal with people who believe they're being abducted by extraterrestrials."
Rojas says he'd like the conference to help people learn and walk away with some knowledge and new ideas about interesting anomalous phenomena.
"I think there are a lot of people who are interested in subjects that are seen as taboo, and I don't think they should be. Hopefully, they'll feel more comfortable and notice there are a lot of very credible and grounded people who are interested in this topic."
The International UFO Congress continues this week through Sunday at the Fort McDowell Casino/Resort in Fountain Hills, Ariz.

Source: HP

(VIDEO) Amazing 'UFO' sighting off Mandurah coast

A MANDURAH fisherman who took footage of an eerie light show off the coast Wednesday morning said he believes what he saw was a UFO.
The man, who does not wish to be named, said he was about 40 kilometres off-shore when he spotted the light shortly before dawn.
“After nine years of fishing I've never seen anything like it,” he said.
The strange sight preceded the release of a Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) radar picture showing a bizarre S-shaped formation just west of Rottnest Island on Wednesday.
A BoM spokesperson ruled out the radar phenomenon being caused by precipitation and there is a suggestion the formation may have been caused by radar picking up condensation from an aircraft fuel dump during military exercises.
Retired astronomer Ralph Martin said it was “hard to say” what caused the strange light or radar picture.
“The vast majority of these reports [of strange lights] have reasonable explanations,” he said.
“They’re usually either astronomical objects or aircrafts.
“But we can’t explain them all.”

Source: Bunbury

Virgin Mary Statue 'Weeps Oil' In Israel

Thousands of people have gathered in a small town in northern Israel to see a statue of the Virgin Mary that a family claims is "weeping oil".
The Christian family from Tarshiha, close to the border with Lebanon, says the statue is "covered with oil" and that the phenomenon is a miracle.
The Khoury family bought the statue last year, but only recently noticed it was "weeping".
"My wife (Amira) came closer to the statue and found it was covered with oil," said Osama Khoury.
"She then wiped the oil, she was scared. She called our neighbour and told her to come and see what she saw.
"The neighbour came and looked at it and found that it was real oil, and then she held my wife's hands and told her not to be afraid, that it was a blessing that had come into your house."
Some parts of the statue appear to be slick with moisture.
The family says around 2,000 people have come to the house to see the statue.
Amira Khoury said the "weeping" statue made her want to pray more.
"I felt a strange feeling that something was pulling me to pray," she said.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

CIA techniques developed by ex-Nazis, author claims.

In ‘Operation Paperclip,’ Annie Jacobsen says Cold War interrogation program using LSD enjoyed help from Third Reich doctors

The United States used former Nazi doctors to develop interrogation techniques — including some that used hallucinogens like LSD — during the Cold War, according to a new book by investigative journalist Annie Jacobsen.

“Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America,” published Tuesday, documents a top secret intelligence and military program run with the help of prominent Nazi scientists and doctors, including Nazi Germany’s surgeon general.

“The CIA teamed up with Army, Air Force and Naval Intelligence to run one of the most nefarious, classified, enhanced interrogation programs of the Cold War,” Jacobsen wrote, in an excerpt posted on the Daily Beast. “The work took place inside a clandestine facility in the American zone of occupied Germany, called Camp King. The facility’s chief medical doctor was Operation Paperclip’s Dr. Walter Schreiber, the former Surgeon General of the Third Reich… The activities that went on at Camp King between 1946 and the late 1950s have never been fully accounted for by either the Department of Defense or the CIA.”

According to Jacobsen, the US was concerned that the Soviets would use unconventional interrogation techniques if they captured a soldier or airman, and developed an initially defensive program against Soviet methods that soon developed into a covert project designed to force Soviet spies to talk, then forget that they ever did so.
“We felt that it was our responsibility not to lag behind the Russians or the Chinese in this field, and the only way to find out what the risks were was to test things such as LSD and other drugs that could be used to control human behavior,” program administrator and future CIA director Richard Helms said in a 1978 interview.

Other US intelligence agencies were brought on board, and introduced ex-Nazi scientists to the program. Trials were conducted at Camp King. In 1952, two Soviet spies captured by CIA-run ex-Nazi operatives were interrogated using the new methods.

“In the first case, light dosages of drugs coupled with hypnosis were used to induce a complete hypnotic trance,” a CIA memorandum revealed. “This trance was held for approximately one hour and forty minutes of interrogation with a subsequent total amnesia produced.”

The program, wrote Jacobsen, evolved into Project MKUltra, a secret US program studying mind and behavior control techniques, complete with experiments on human subjects. MKUltra also enjoyed the help of ex-Nazi scientists.

“Operation: Paperclip” is the Princeton graduate’s third book. Her second, “Area 51,” was a well-received investigative report into the storied military installation, purported by some to be the home of a UFO cover-up. It was a fairly straightforward, well-researched look into military aircraft research and development at the site. But the end of the book took an unexpected turn.

“Relying on the testimony of a single unnamed source,” read a critical review in Popular Mechanics, Jacobsen’s book repeats the claim that some sort of UFO crashed at Roswell. But in her telling, the craft wasn’t of alien origin. Instead, it was a saucer built by the Soviets using technology they’d obtained from German engineers at the end of World War II. And there’s more. According to her unnamed source, the craft was manned by human teenagers who had been medically altered to look like aliens, with giant heads and eyes like wraparound Oakleys.”

“Who would do such a thing to children? Why, notorious Nazi death camp doctor Josef Mengele, Jacobsen writes, quoting her source quoting another source or sources, also unnamed. Seems that Mengele was working for Soviet boss Josef Stalin, who needed the mutants for a special project: scaring the daylights out of America with a fake alien visitation.”