Friday, July 31, 2015

The Lizard Creature of Scape Ore Swamp

One dark night, a seventeen-year-old had a close encounter that would be forever embedded in cryptozoology and become fodder for our nightmares. The year was 1988, and it happened near Bishopville, South Carolina.
Many theories attempt to explain the existence and identity of Lizard men. Some propose they might be living dinosaurs that evolved along the same path as primates. Others are more inclined to believe they are actually reptilian aliens that secretly populate the darkest recesses of our planet. Whatever the case, they instill panic.
This case is the scariest since it has what others lack: physical evidence supporting the creature’s existence. The first sighting was made by a local 17-year-old who stopped on a road near Scape Ore Swamp tho change a blown-out tire.
At around 2 AM on June 29, 1988 Christopher Davis was just tightening the final nut on his wheel when he saw a tall creature rapidly approaching him. It ran on its hind legs and made loud grunts as it got closer.
He jumped in his car and as he drove off, the beast jumped on his roof and tried to get in as a terrified Christopher swerved from side to side in an attempt to throw it off. When he got home he saw that his side-view mirror was badly damaged and his roof held multiple scratch marks.
He described the thing as a 7-foot-tall reptilian-looking bipedal creature, with lizard-like skin and glowing red eyes. Its three-fingered hands ended in sharp claws of considerable length. Unbeknownst o Christopher, a similar report had been made two weeks prior to his encounter.
On the morning of July 14, 1988 the Lee County Sheriff’s Office was called to the Waye residence near Bishopville, South Carolina to investigate a damaged vehicle. The vehicle in question had sustained extensive damage. The paintwork was severely scratched and the chrome molding had been torn away from the fenders, as if something had chewed at it. Clumps of reddish hair and muddy footprints surrounded the vehicle.
Noticing a pattern had emerged, Sheriff Liston Truesdale’s first instinct was that this was the work of pranksters. He therefore called Christopher in for an interview and suggested he take a lie detector test. He figured that the young man had made the story up and thought the idea of taking a lie detector test would make him retract his story.
To Sheriff Truesdale’s surprise, Christopher not only agreed to take the test but maintained a firm position regarding the whole ordeal. The fact that he passed the test with flying colors convinced the Sheriff’s Office that there was something hiding in Scape Ore Swamp.
In the following month, several encounters were reported in the area and bite marks and scratches were found on cars parked near the swamps of Bishopville.

Many eyewitnesses came forward and a number of them were upstanding members of the community. Why would they risk their credibility if they had seen nothing? Sheriff Truesdale noticed some of the witnesses were visibly shaken by their encounter. His training helped him identify signs of emotional distress and he quickly understood they were indeed recovering from a traumatic experience.
The Sheriff’s Office continued to receive reports of the Lizard Man throughout the 1990s. One of the most credible eyewitnesses was a Colonel in the Army Corps of Engineers, Robert Cooper. He reported seeing a “half-dinosaur, half-man” running alongside his car late one night. He notified Sheriff Truesdale but, after discussing the matter with his attorney, Cooper decided he wouldn’t file a formal report about his sighting. Doing so would have damaged his military career.
Another incident involved a family returning one night from a restaurant. As the Blythers were driving home, they almost ran over a “huge, hairy beast” standing in the middle of the road. The encounter frightened them so much they drove directly to the Sheriff’s Office where they reported what they saw. Sheriff Truesdale had them sit in separate rooms while their reports were taken but they still matched.
The most recent event occurred in 2008, when a Bishopville couple reported the same type of damage on their car, traces of blood and the disappearance of some of their cats. Soon after the incident, Sheriff E. J. Melvin discovered a dead cow and a dead coyote next to the couples’ home.
To this day, many residents believe the Lizard Man is still out there. Although he is now retired, Sheriff Truesdale continues to search for the creature that terrified so many not so long ago.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anunnaki Message Published In UFO Magazine in 1958!

A message from the Anunnaki – MANKIND IN AMNESIA (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)
Exhibit 19) Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)
“We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching, and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose. Now, however, our numbers have been increased in preparation for a further step in the development of your planet: a step of which you are not yet aware… We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your fellow creatures, as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. You will find records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt, where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends. Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. (The United States of America) It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind.”
“We have left you certain landmarks, placed carefully in different parts of the globe, but most prominently in Egypt where we established our headquarters upon the occasion of our last overt, or, as you would say, public appearance. At that time the foundations of your present civilization were ‘laid in the earth’ and the most ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so many thousands of years ago. Since that time the whole art of building, in stone, has become symbolic, to many of you, of the work in hand—the building of the human race towards its perfection.”
“Your ancestors knew us in those days as preceptors and as friends. Now, through your own efforts, you have almost reached, in your majority, a new step on the long ladder of your liberation. You have been constantly aided by our watchful ‘inspiration’, and hindered only by the difficulties natural to your processes of physical and moral development…”
“You have lately achieved the means of destroying yourselves. Do not be hasty in your self-congratulation. Yours is not the first civilization to have achieved—and used—such means. Yours will not be the first civilization to be offered the means of preventing that destruction and proceeding, in the full glory of its accumulated knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment upon the earth.”
“However, if you do accept the means offered you, and if you establish such a ‘millennium’ upon the basis of your present accomplishments, yours will be the first civilization to do so.
In a sense they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equaled their success. Human acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never knew our actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of their own experience. For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylized by many copyings, of one of our traveling machines became the ‘Eye of Horus”, and then other eyes of other gods. Finally, the ancient symbol that was once an accurate representation of an important mechanical device has been given surprising connotations by the modern priesthood of psychology.”
“The important fact is, however, that we are here, among you, and that you, as a world-race, will know it before very much longer! The time is almost ripe but, as with all ripening things, the process may not be hurried artificially without danger of damaging the fruit. There is a right time for every action, and the right time for our revelation of ourselves to your era is approaching.”
“Some of you have seen our ‘advanced guard’ already. You have met us often in the streets of your cities, and you have not noticed us. But when we flash through your skies in the ANCIENT TRADITIONAL VEHICLES  [Vimanas, see Exhibit 14, this paper—GJ]  you are amazed, and those of you who open your mouths and tell of what you have seen are accounted dupes and fools. Actually you are prophets, seers in the true sense of the word. You in Kansas and Oklahoma, you in Oregon and in California, and Idaho, you know what you have seen: do not be dismayed by meteorologists. Their business is the weather. One of you says, ‘I saw a torpedo-shaped object’. Others report, ‘disc-like objects’, some of you say ‘spherical objects’, or ‘platter-like objects’. You are all reporting correctly and accurately what you saw, and in most cases you are describing the same sort of vehicle.”
“… Now that the art of manufacturing plastic materials has reached a certain perfection among you, perhaps you can imagine a material, almost transparent to the rays of ordinary visible light, yet strong enough to endure the stresses of extremely rapid flight. Look again at the great nebulae, and think of the construction of your own galaxy, and behold the universal examples of what we have found to be the perfect shape for an object which is to travel through what you still fondly refer to as ‘empty’ space.”
In the center of the discus, gyroscopically controlled within a central sphere of the same transparent material, our control rooms revolve freely, accommodating themselves and us to flat or edgewise flight. Both methods are suited to your atmosphere, and when we convert abruptly from one to the other, as we are sometimes obliged to do, and you are watching, OUR MACHINES seem suddenly to appear—or to disappear. At our possible speeds your eyes, untrained and unprepared for the maneuver, do make mistakes—but not the mistakes your scientists so often accuse them of making.”
“We pass over your hilltops in horizontal flight. You see and report a torpedo-shaped object. We pass over, in formation, flying vertically ‘edge-on’… Or we go over at night, jet-slits glowing, and you see an orange disc. In any event you see us, and in any event we do not care. if we chose to remain invisible, we could do so, easily, and, in fact, we have done so almost without exception for hundreds of years. But you must become accustomed to our shapes in your skies, for one day they will be familiar, friendly, and reassuring sights.”
“This time, it is to be hoped that the memory of them, passed on to your children and their children, will be clear and precise. That you will not cause them to forget, as your ancestors forgot, the meaning of the diagrams and the instructions we will leave with you. If you do fail, AS OTHER CIVILIZATIONS HAVE FAILED, we will see your descendants wearing wiring-diagrams for simple machines as amulets, expecting the diagrams to do what their forefathers were taught the completed article would accomplish.
Then their children, forgetting even that much—or little—would preserve the amulet as a general protective device—or as an intellectual curiosity—or perhaps as a religious symbol. Such is the cycle of forgetfulness!”

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A surprising discovery of a Maya shrine reveals Arrival of "New World Orders"

Researchers are surprised with a new discovery consisting of fragments of an ancient maya shrine which reveals "previously unknown" details on a "Cold War" in the Maya Empire.
The fragment of the carved stone monument was discovered at El Achiotal, an ancient Maya site located depicts the face of an ajaw or vassal lord.
This incredible new discovery at the Maya site in Guatemala has made it possible for researchers to understand new details regarding a fierce rivalry which ruled over two great Ancient Maya superpowers during some 1500 years ago.
This discovery was announced in Guatemala City was presented by The La Corona Regional Archaeological Project, co-directed by Marcello Canuto, director of Tulane’s Middle American Research Institute, and Tomás Barrientos, director of the Department of Archaeology at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala.
According to researchers and their preliminary study, forces belonging to Siyaj K'ahk's arrived at the Maya lowlands somewhere around 378 D.C., overturning the rulers of the great Maya city-state of Tikal. They established among other things, a new political order across the ancient Maya empire. Siyaj K'ahk', also referred to as "Fire is Born" was A prominent Ancient Maya political figure commonly mentioned in the Classical Period Glyphs. He is believed to have been the general of the Teotihuacano ruler Spearthrower Owl.
National Geographic Young Explorer and Tulane graduate student Luke Auld-Thomas said "We were looking for a stairway and digging test units." He added "when an excavator working on a unit backed out of the hole he had dug and told us he found what looked like a stela."
"We gasped and looked in, and there's the face of a king just staring straight out at us," says Auld-Thomas. "It had been very carefully placed by the ancient Maya so that it was looking out a doorway, like a museum piece in a display case."
"We never expected to find a stela at El Achiotal," says Canuto, who began research there in 2009 with a National Geographic Society/Waitt grant and considered it primarily a Late Preclassic (400 B.C. – 250 A.D.) site.
As researchers continued with their excavation duties, they came upon two stelae fragments, a discovery that they did not expect.
According to archaeologists, the two stelae fragments were from the top and bottom of a monument, the stelae are believed to have been removed from their original location which is, according to archaeologists, most likely from in front of a temple.
According to National Geographic; The top fragment of the stela features the partial image of a man holding a serpent bar, a traditional symbol of a ruler.
After the discovery was made, Davit Stuart from the University of Texas at Austin, who is an expert Maya epigrapher flew to El Achiotal to study and try to decipher the hieroglyphs located on the back of the stela. According to Stuart, the hieroglyphs revealed that the stela was in fact erected to celebrate the 40th anniversary of an "ajaw."
Regrettably, the newly found stela is incomplete so researchers could not figure out the name of the ajaw and the leader.
The Ajaw or Ahau has two meanings in the history of the Pre-Columbian Maya civilization. It is believed to represent a political title attested from Mayan epigraphic inscriptions but it could also designate the concluding, the 20 named day of the tzolk'in or the divinatory calendar on which a king's k'atun-ending rituals would fall.
According to Stuart, there was a date inscribed on the stela, but Stuart states that reading it was one of the most difficult translation jobs that he has ever been part of. Stuart also states; " scribes were very tricky and they wrote one of the date elements in a super-ambiguous way."
Researchers believe that the anniversary date depicted on the stela, could be connected with four potential dates, and Stuart believes the date everyone would be looking for is November 22, 418 A.D.
Counting back 40 years from November 22, 418 A.D. marks an anniversary of an event in 378 A.D. the date when Siyaj K’ahk’ installed new rulership in Tikal setting off a series of changes both in the Maya political and cultural system.
"We know that when Siyaj K’ahk’ came on the scene in Tikal he was installing subject rulers all around that region," Stuart explains. "We just had no idea that El Achiotal was sucked into this new world order."

Monday, July 27, 2015

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Confirms 'Black Projects' Within US Government

Back in 2001, as part of Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure Project, Sergeant First Class Clifford Stone blew the whistle on what he referred to as unacknowledged Special Access Programs (or uSAPs) within the US government.

Such programs are also commonly referred to as black projects or deep black programs and are of an extremely covert and secretive nature.

Unacknowledged Special Access Programs are said to be highly compartmentalized and even those with the necessary security clearances can only access the information on a "need to know" basis. These uSAPs are also hidden from public oversight and accounting.

The US Congress and the US President have no access to this information because they do not hold the necessary security clearances and neither do they have a "need to know".

Alleged picture of "anti-gravity" flying triangle, financed from black budgets

In 1997, a US Senate report described these alleged unacknowledged Special Access Programs as "so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress."

Then, in 2013, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked top secret government documentation which proved that such Special Access Programs do indeed exist. According to the Washington Post, the documents revealed how $52.6-billion was put towards such operations in the fiscal year 2013.

Read also: 

Does The US Government Have Fleets Of UFOs? - The Solar Warden Project

Whilst the black budget documents indicated that billions of dollars are spent on these covert operations each year, others suggest that the figure is actually much close to trillions of dollars.

The majority of the finance is allegedly unaccounted for and is going into projects which, in an official capacity, do not exist.

According to former Canadian defense minister, Paul Hellyer (the only G8 official to speak on the issue):

"It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars  allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both Congress and the Commander-in-Chief know nothing about."
Back in 2001 the Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfield had stated in front of the House Appropriations Committee:
"The financial systems of the Department of Defence are so snarled up that we can’t account for some $2.6 trillion in transactions that exist."
As of yet, the Washington Post have only published one tenth of the 178 pages of documents related to unacknowledged Special Access Programs.

They claim that US officials who were contacted prior to publishing the news had shown concerns over the "risk to intelligence sources and methods”.

watch also:

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Did a highly advanced ancient society once exist globally?

One such place is Puma Punku, Bolivia. High in the Andes mountains close to the shores of Lake Titicaca, the ruins of this once beautiful structure lies strewn across the countryside, destroyed from some unknown cataclysmic event. No evidence of a written language can be found amongst the ruins, and archeologists cannot identify the original purpose for this structure. 

The stones found at this site are mainly andesite, which is very hard with a high concentration of quartz. Today, we would have to use diamond-tipped, high-speed tools in order to recreate these kind of cuts. The cost for us today would be prohibitive because of the amount of time for all these inside cuts. 

How could they have created such an elaborate and intricately detailed structure without a written language? Most people in the construction business understands that a structure does not come together by accident. The more detailed the building, the more complex and detailed the plans. So, where are the plans to create Puma Punku, much less the Great Pyramid of Giza? 

In spite of locations like Puma Punku, historians still insist that the cradle of humanity is in current day Iraq, once known as the land of Sumer. Ancient Sumerian texts tell a number of stories that appear very similar to passages in the Torah or Holy Bible. These Sumarian clay tablets are much older than the oldest known copies of the Torah, leading many agnostics to believe that mean the Hebrews and Christians incorporated these stories into their own scriptures. I don’t believe so. I believe that the original scriptures from the 
God of Israel simply have yet to be found. How many times in our past have the certainties that we understood be proven absolutely wrong? Is the Earth flat? No. Is the Earth the center of the universe and everything orbits around us? Again, no. So the search continues. Maybe the answers are all around us and we just don’t recognize it? 

Historians have a general idea based on archeological finds on many of our ancestors back to about 4,000 years. However, they do not have a very complete picture of how they did things. Historians understanding of ancient technology has huge holes in it. The very thought that ancient Egyptians could have cut granite with copper chisels is laughable at best. I liken it to using a plastic knife to cut down a giant California redwood tree. What’s more, our understanding greatly diminishes as we go further back in time. 

Moving from Sumer to the Giza plateau, we once again come across the Great Pyramid, aligned along the 31st Longitude line, and perfectly squared off with the four cardinal points of a compass that had not been created at the time the structure was built. Many people will immediately say “It was the aliens” without considering the fact that just maybe our HUMAN ancestors were far more advanced than we thought. The proof is all around us, but we must put our arrogance aside in order to accept that. But what’s more amazing is what else can be found on the 31st longitude line. 

Deep in South Africa there are many sites made of stones with such a high quartz content that they are called bell stones. In the link below, Michael Tellinger demonstrates some that he has found: 

One such site found on the 31st longitude line made of these bell stones is Adam’s Calendar. There are strange issues with GPS coordinates and cell phone connectivity inside the circle of stones. What energy forces are at work here? I have found no convincing proof just how old Adam’s calendar is, but some have said it is many thousands of years old… much older than historians believe that mankind has been on Earth. Some have said as far back as 75,000 years. 

Here we must take caution. I like to think of timelines as practically useless whether for trying to predict the future based on prophetic writings, or to try and establish a timeline of the past. It always seems to make people look foolish when proven wrong, which happens frequently. For those who have faith and believe in God, why would you dare to try and place human constraints on an all powerful 
God who lives outside of time as we know it? I accept that things will happen in the time they are intended, and the past happened sometime prior to yesterday. I can accept that, and don’t care one way or another if it was 12,000 or 150,000 years ago. 

But one thing is undeniable: the flood of Noah’s time is a widely accepted fact. So little is known about that time prior to the flood, both in the Bible and historically. But archeologically we can see evidence of a thriving society that once existed in the most surprising location: South Africa. 

The picture below is accepted by main stream historians to be cattle “kraals” or pens used by the hunter gatherers that inhabited the area thousands of years ago in limited numbers. Most historians believe there were only 10,000 or so inhabitants, firmly discounting any thoughts that a thriving society once lived here. However, the ruins just don’t make sense with the narrative. First, there is no entrance to these pens. So how would you get the cattle in and out? Second, the walls range anywhere from 8 feet to 12 feet in height, though many appear now to be filled in with large amounts of sediment. Sounds like a massive flood to me. Lastly, there are thousands upon thousands of these ruins. There are also miles of terraces created on the mountainsides, assumably to plant crops. That’s lots of food capabilities for a few thousand people sparsely spread across the countryside. 

Looking at the picture above, you can see the connecting lines of stones that branch out like a network. What is going on here? Why was it built and by who? It certainly does not make sense to be pens for livestock. There is nothing close to this today, but then again we have not really studied sound technology, have we? These kraals are also made of the bell stones that I talked about earlier. It is well known that quartz crystals has many properties. They can be used to store large amounts of data, and rocks with a high quartz content will also ring like a bell, and reverberate to outside sounds. 

If you have a perfectly tuned guitar, when you strike the low E string, the high E string will reverberate on it’s own. So what effect would sound have on some of these ancient sites? This should be humanity’s next greatest endeavor is to discover how our ancestors harnessed sound, and its effect on these ancient locations. We have examples all over the internet of researchers using sound to levitate small items like ping pong balls. If you could harness massive amounts of sound energy could you levitate some of the massive stones used to build the pyramids? I believe if you controlled the frequency and provided enough amplitude you could indeed levitate stone. You have to wonder if Nikola Tesla and Edward Leedskalnin rediscovered ancient technologies. 

The link below is to a presentation by Michael Tellinger on sound energy. The video is over an hour long, but if you forward to the last 15-20 minutes he shows a great many sites and shares the “Ah-Ha” moment how our ancestors built the public structures to channel sound to create energy, and today’s modern equivalent: computer circuit boards. 

So what is the one thing that ties in all these locations? Stone structures built using massive stones with a high quartz content. They are found in Egypt, South Africa, South and Central America, China, India, Pakistan, Bosnia, France, Great Britain, Turkey, and even on remote Easter Island. Additionally, pyramid structures have been found on nearly every continent. How much more evidence do you need that a highly advanced society once existed on a global scale that would rival any of today’s? I’ve really only scratched the surface of this. Go do some digging for yourself … this will keep you up at night! 

So where are the plans to build all these structures? How do we know they are not saved electronically in the very stone that was used to construct them? I wonder what other wonders we would find there? I would love to see the hackers all over the world spend their time on this, rather than the destructive things they do today. If you REALLY want to change the world, think how things would certainly change if you discovered free, limitless and wireless energy and GAVE it away. Wouldn’t this wreak havoc with the big energy corporations? How much easier would your life be if you didn’t have to pay for electricity for your home or fuel for your vehicles?

Read also:  
The Remains of a 200,000-Year-Old Advanced Civilization Found in Africa