Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strange Phenomena and Bizarre Creatures appear every day around the World

Explorers found Giant Human Bones near the possible location of Noah’s A...

A 100 Million Fossilized Human Finger Found in a formation famous for its Dinosaurs - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A 100 Million Fossilized Human Finger Found in a formation famous for its Dinosaurs - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Unknown Ancient Ruins located in a remote location of the Grand Canyon sighted with Google Earth - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Unknown Ancient Ruins located in a remote location of the Grand Canyon sighted with Google Earth - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Anunnaki Message Published In UFO Magazine in 1958! - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Anunnaki Message Published In UFO Magazine in 1958! - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Military source stated that the US government interacts with extraterres...

Great footage of a UFO sighting in the United Kingdom

Researchers in China discover a 300 million year old screw embedded into rock - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Researchers in China discover a 300 million year old screw embedded into rock - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Who owns these Buildings and Vehicles on the far side of the Moon? - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Who owns these Buildings and Vehicles on the far side of the Moon? - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Scientists Panic As Live Mutant Sharks Found Inside Underwater Volcano - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Scientists Panic As Live Mutant Sharks Found Inside Underwater Volcano - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Sunday, May 12, 2024

A small Alien manipulates a prison guard's brain, instilling feelings of...

A Lady Accidentaly Opens a Portal. Wait till the end...

5 Cryptid Sightings that Could Prove Dinosaurs Still Exist - UFOmania - the truth is out there

5 Cryptid Sightings that Could Prove Dinosaurs Still Exist - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Secret NWO Island Headquarters Discovered At Subantarctic Island - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Secret NWO Island Headquarters Discovered At Subantarctic Island - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The White Alien God of the Mesoamericans - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The White Alien God of the Mesoamericans - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The Yellow Book that was found inside the UFO that crashed at Roswell - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The Yellow Book that was found inside the UFO that crashed at Roswell - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hiker hears terrifying whistling sound while hiking up Mount Washington

This New Discovery in Egypt Terrifies Scientists

Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon" - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon" - UFOmania - the truth is out there

15 Ton Prehistoric Shark Captured in Pakistan - UFOmania - the truth is out there

15 Ton Prehistoric Shark Captured in Pakistan - UFOmania - the truth is out there

There are strange things out there. The world is full of strange, bizarre and mysterious things. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

There are strange things out there. The world is full of strange, bizarre and mysterious things. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Thursday, May 2, 2024

A recently released video from China shows a crystal clear UFO

Video from MEXICO, a guy captures 2 unidentified flying objects floating...

Recalling UFO spacecraft refueling by sucking up solar plasma, there's a second object - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Recalling UFO spacecraft refueling by sucking up solar plasma, there's a second object - UFOmania - the truth is out there

There is another Sun and human civilization Inside the Earth - UFOmania - the truth is out there

There is another Sun and human civilization Inside the Earth - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Three giant ships are heading toward Earth, The largest of them is 240 kilometers wide - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Three giant ships are heading toward Earth, The largest of them is 240 kilometers wide - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Don’t Panic, but Physicists in Australia Just Proved Reality Doesn’t Exist - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Don’t Panic, but Physicists in Australia Just Proved Reality Doesn’t Exist - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Jordon Maxwell on Saturn and Religion

Blue UFO Tethering Itself To Our Reality

Inside the US Secret Space Program

Strange ultra fast object filmed in Hawaii, take a look!!! - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Strange ultra fast object filmed in Hawaii, take a look!!! - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Mysterious Megaliths Of Samaipata High In The Bolivian Jungle - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Mysterious Megaliths Of Samaipata High In The Bolivian Jungle - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A 20,000-year-old transformer found in Kosovo - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A 20,000-year-old transformer found in Kosovo - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Monday, April 29, 2024

Footprints embedded in rock, most of these footprints are out of place

Arkaim: Russia’s Stonehenge and a Puzzle of the Ancient World. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Arkaim: Russia’s Stonehenge and a Puzzle of the Ancient World. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Crew reports UFOs to NASA Mission Control on STS 115

Ancient Babylonian Tablet Provides Compelling Evidence That The Tower Of Babel DID Exist - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Ancient Babylonian Tablet Provides Compelling Evidence That The Tower Of Babel DID Exist - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Swiss Scientist Say Atlantis Was on Mars and Ancient Egypt Traded With Them - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Swiss Scientist Say Atlantis Was on Mars and Ancient Egypt Traded With Them - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Friday, April 26, 2024

Mysterious Blue Light over Erupting Volcano in Iceland

Flying humanoid alien filmed in Mexico

High Strangeness in Antarctica Tunnels as tall as the Eiffel Tower discovered - UFOmania - the truth is out there

High Strangeness in Antarctica Tunnels as tall as the Eiffel Tower discovered - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Mind-blowing videos, strange phenomena, UFOs, Aliens, strange creatures, enjoy! - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Mind-blowing videos, strange phenomena, UFOs, Aliens, strange creatures, enjoy! - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Bizarre weird Clouds or Alien Cloaked Spaceships? Take a look, you decide... - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Bizarre weird Clouds or Alien Cloaked Spaceships? Take a look, you decide... - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Reptilian Eyes Caught in Real-Time

Mass UFO sighting in Mexican State of Jalisco

The Source says this is a real CCTV footage of a person who encounters the so called MEN IN BLACK - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The Source says this is a real CCTV footage of a person who encounters the so called MEN IN BLACK - UFOmania - the truth is out there

If you have rhesus (RH) negative blood you may belong to the Nephilim – a parallel race to us humans - UFOmania - the truth is out there

If you have rhesus (RH) negative blood you may belong to the Nephilim – a parallel race to us humans - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Base 211 - The Massive Subterranean Nazi Base in Antarctica - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Base 211 - The Massive Subterranean Nazi Base in Antarctica - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Saturday, April 20, 2024

UFOs are piloted by Alien beings who are in contact with a secret branch...

April 2024. Impressive phenomenon somewhere on the US Pacific coast

A UFO flies over an erupting volcano in Iceland - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A UFO flies over an erupting volcano in Iceland - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Strange Creatures with Tentacles Spotted in Monument Valley, Arizona - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Strange Creatures with Tentacles Spotted in Monument Valley, Arizona - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Was Sardinia home to the mythical civilization of Atlantis? - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Was Sardinia home to the mythical civilization of Atlantis? - UFOmania - the truth is out there

USO filmed in Oak Island, North Carolina

Friday, April 19, 2024

UFO captured at Manasota Beach in Florida

Scientists Panic As Live Mutant Sharks Found Inside Underwater Volcano - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Scientists Panic As Live Mutant Sharks Found Inside Underwater Volcano - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Iran shoots at a UFO on the border with Pakistan - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Iran shoots at a UFO on the border with Pakistan - UFOmania - the truth is out there

WALKING AMONG US: Human Looking Non-Humans, They look exactly like us - UFOmania - the truth is out there

WALKING AMONG US: Human Looking Non-Humans, They look exactly like us - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The military made a robot that fuels itself by eating biological organisms. This should end well… - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The military made a robot that fuels itself by eating biological organisms. This should end well… - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

RARE DOCUMENTARY: Vril and Thule Society Antarctica Advanced Civilizations

Footage of a fast-moving disc-shaped object during a live TV broadcast f...

Underground City Of Reptilians — Secret Caves, a Lost Civilisation Under Los Angeles Discovered in 1934 - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Underground City Of Reptilians — Secret Caves, a Lost Civilisation Under Los Angeles Discovered in 1934 - UFOmania - the truth is out there

USB stick found with strange early and mid 1900's planetary video never before seen in public - UFOmania - the truth is out there

USB stick found with strange early and mid 1900's planetary video never before seen in public - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Nightmare Vision Inside The Great Pyramid - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Nightmare Vision Inside The Great Pyramid - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Monday, April 8, 2024

Mysterious Creatures, Aliens and UFOs caught on surveillance cameras

Time Travel reveal the future of humanity

If you knew what we do, you will never sleep again - Nasa Director. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

If you knew what we do, you will never sleep again - Nasa Director. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A fossil of a 50-foot saltwater crocodile was discovered in Australia after a storm - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A fossil of a 50-foot saltwater crocodile was discovered in Australia after a storm - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A Manned Mission to Mars took place in 1973 and no one was told about it - UFOmania - the truth is out there

A Manned Mission to Mars took place in 1973 and no one was told about it - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The truth about Antarctica - This backstory explains the present suppres...

Jay-Z Caught Shapeshifting On United Airlines Flight To LAX - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Jay-Z Caught Shapeshifting On United Airlines Flight To LAX - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Disclosure Conference, National Press Club, 27 September 2010

The April 8th ‘Great American Eclipse’ & Why I Believe They Are Planning A Massive Human Sacrifice Event. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The April 8th ‘Great American Eclipse’ & Why I Believe They Are Planning A Massive Human Sacrifice Event. - UFOmania - the truth is out there

CERN now admits they are communicating with "ENTITIES" from the other side - UFOmania - the truth is out there

CERN now admits they are communicating with "ENTITIES" from the other side - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Video Leaked from NASA’s top secret mission “Syn 25”, Shows Cities on the Dark Side of the Moon - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Video Leaked from NASA’s top secret mission “Syn 25”, Shows Cities on the Dark Side of the Moon - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Sunday, March 31, 2024

In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and US governmen...

Blood is leaking Jesus's Jerusalem Tomb, Israeli police have sealed the area - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Blood is leaking Jesus's Jerusalem Tomb, Israeli police have sealed the area - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Witness films a bizarre thing in the sky and asks for help to identify t...

So this is what happened to MH 370. Two US Satellites and 1 US military Satellite caught the footage - UFOmania - the truth is out there

So this is what happened to MH 370. Two US Satellites and 1 US military Satellite caught the footage - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The FRB 121102 millimeter Pulse Radio, listen to Alien communication - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The FRB 121102 millimeter Pulse Radio, listen to Alien communication - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Swedish man had a close encounter with extraterrestrials that give him a...

Flying saucer close up caught on video in Mexico

If nuclear war broke out where's the safest place on Earth? - UFOmania - the truth is out there

If nuclear war broke out where's the safest place on Earth? - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Amazing find on Google Earth: Two airplanes chasing a UFO near Zucchelli Station, Antarctica - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Amazing find on Google Earth: Two airplanes chasing a UFO near Zucchelli Station, Antarctica - UFOmania - the truth is out there

NATO was actually bringing down UFOs. The occupants were supernatural, demonic beings - UFOmania - the truth is out there

NATO was actually bringing down UFOs. The occupants were supernatural, demonic beings - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Bright objects and lights all over the world making bizarre sounds and c...

The Dimensional Collapse and the Interdimensional origin of UFOs - UFOmania - the truth is out there

The Dimensional Collapse and the Interdimensional origin of UFOs - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Mysterious laser from the sky hits volcano in Japan that erupts

1,000-Year-Old Bible Found in Turkey show Jesus Christ, Mary and a Cross - UFOmania - the truth is out there

1,000-Year-Old Bible Found in Turkey show Jesus Christ, Mary and a Cross - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Cyclist in England Claims He Encountered a Telepathic 'Praying Mantis' Alien - UFOmania - the truth is out there

Cyclist in England Claims He Encountered a Telepathic 'Praying Mantis' Alien - UFOmania - the truth is out there