If you have been an avid follower of the growing trend of conspiracy theories lately then be warned this one will blow your mind!
An exclusive video interview with Aaron McCollum has just been released from the makers of Project Camelot Portal and it is by far a gigantic leap for anyone's imagination, the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories has just got deeper!
If you haven’t been upto date with the latest conspiracy theories of late but have been following the news you may have heard of much to do with the Gulf of Aden.
Over the last many months it has been reported that a large congregation of a multinational group of Battle Ships that have been patrolling the waters of the Gulf of Aden, near the border of Yemen.
It has been reported across mainstream media that all countries involved are protecting their interests from the growing Somali Pirates threat. But conspiracy theorists have been reporting this story as a Red Flag Operation to cover the real purpose of their unprecedented Navel activity in the waters of Aden.
Source: Photobucket
It has been said and also in-depth in this video interview with Aaron McCollum from Project Camelot that a strange magnetic anomaly has been found in the Gulf of Aden. This strange magnetic anomaly is creating what conspiracy theorists believe to be a portal, a kind of Intergalactic Stargate, that only now is slowly being activated and the Governments and the Elites can’t stop it.
There are many strange theories surrounding the 2012 phenomena but now they are escalated to Universal proportions, what’s causing this Stargate to become activated is, well anybody’s guess, but there are many synchronised theories being reported all over the Internet that well is too greater for a mention here.
In Aaron McCollum’s interview he bravely or insanely admits to have been working for Top Secret or Black Projects run by the world’s Elites/Governments. He boldly opens a mega tsunami of Intel and reports to have been working in secret underground facility’s that are also under the sea.
He also mentions in great detail that one of these facilities is on the west side of Puerto Rico and is known as Project Seagate. He also tells of ongoing genetic experiments, the cohesion and calibration of extraterrestrials working in these facilities, the existence of the TR-3bs triangular shaped UFOs as a black government aircraft, interdimensional travel and the list goes on and on, deeper and deeper!
So if you are still interested and think your mind can handle it, I recommend having a look at this video, as a note or just an observation have a look at his T-Shirt he is wearing, think he is trying to tell us something subliminally?
Source: http://markbennis.hubpages.com/
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